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Registering our chambres d'hotes

petit chateau

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I hope someone out there can help as I am finding this all a mine field.

We have been living in france for  2years and have been renovating our home into a chambres d'hotes. We are now ready to open and have registered at the Mairie, have been to the dounes and got a licence for drinks and tables d'hotes, but I am confused about where else we need to register our business.

Our carte vitale has just run out as we were under the E106 from uk but this ran out last week. I am keen to get us into the french system to pay cotisations etc to allow us to continue with healthcare and be legally resident here.

We bought the house as an SCI so we do have a siret number but I think we probably need to obtain another one for the chambres d'hotes. I would be really grateful for any help any one can give me

Kind Regards

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Rules change all the time BUT... If you go to the Chambre de Commerce they will register your business and contact all the relevant departments ,for a small fee. Well worth the fee,about 50 euros,as it's all dealt with promptly. Also worth noting as pointed out by MIKI and of definite benefit to us, if you only intend to open say from April 1st to Sept 30th you only need register for that time,Register just before April,de-register just before Sept 30th. We did this for 5years,not knowing about this the first year and it saved us a considerable amount on outgoings to URSAAF etc. Might be worth your while checking.By de-rgistering and getting the CdC to deal with that also,we found any refunds due were very quickly put in our bank.

Bonne Chance.


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In reply to Sunday Driver. We never had any problems with cover at all.Now on E121 but initially on E106. We pay for 100% top up with Radiance all year but the other payments stop with de-registering. Also we have nearly always received a rebate. The staff at the CdC have been very helpful. I might add that we had alternative quotes for our top up including our bank.CA. where our house and car insurance is placed and no-one could come anywhere near the quote from Radiance. A Hospital stay,3 days,op etc cost me the grand some of 50 euros.Any reimbursements are back in the bank within a few days. No problems in 6 years.


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In response to Lachouette 's posting. We had to register with the Mairie 6 years ago and got the Tax de sejour book with the required slips for the payments and were told then that it was a legal requirement to register with the CdC. The Impot actually took the trouble to send us a copy of the details from Paris. I think that with the downturn in trade for many hotels and registered B&B's, a general tightening up of anything unofficial is taking place. I would like to add that we found it worth while going down the registration route,apart from simplifying the tax return,we found out quite a few things to our advantage. However...The point that you can register and de-register so easily and the difference it can make to your social payments was NOT advised by CdC or Impot  but the again,why should they?


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[quote user="Gastines"]

We ... were told then that it was a legal requirement to register with the CdC.


Quite so.  If it is your main source of income then you have to register with the CdC or under the autoentrepreneur scheme (an alternative subject to certain conditions, see other threads).  But if it is a secondary source then you (still) don't have to do so.

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