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Sentence in a letter received -help please


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I have received a letter from our Department (section dealing with help for the aged). I am trying to organise some help with the Maison de Retraite fees for my mother. They have all the information asked for and we are close to an answer, in fact I have been told in an email how much he must pay.

However I have today received a letter asking (among other things which I can answer easily) for:

"Le montant d'une éventuelle assurance dépendance."     

Neither our dictionary, nor Larousse has "assurance dépendance" and I am not clear on exactly what it is!!  She has no Life Assurance policies if that is what they mean, nor do they have insurance specifically to cover them in a MdeR (or indeed a Nursing Home in the UK).  Anyone any ideas please?

Many, many thanks,

Mrs H

(PS I have to say that we have had nothing but kindness and understanding from the staff at the Department Office. One is not able to "keep" as much money as in the UK, and one's children, wherever they are in the world, have to submit income details and may be asked to contribute but the full fees can be covered eventually which is rare in the UK unless in a very inexpensive Home. As an accountant I have been to many Homes in the UK and the one my mother is in here is half the cost and twice as good as most I have been to.)

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I think they are asking if she has an assurance dépendence, and if so how much it is worth, so they can take it into account

Some people do have an insurance policy which helps to cover the costs of aid  if they become dependent.

L'assurance dépendance,  peut être souscrite par toute personne ne disposant pas de ressources

suffisantes pour financer les dépenses liées à une perte d'autonomie..... prévoit le versement d'une rente mensuelle ou d'un capital si l'assuré devient dépendant. Elle permet donc de couvrir partiellement cette charge financière et contribue donc aussi à une meilleure assurance santé.

See here


I have been thinking about this for myself by fear I may have left it too late since after 60 years old it is harder to be accepted (medical tests etc)

With cuts everywhere in Europe and a rise in the number of elderly dependent I feel one should take any steps one can to cover oneself, since I don't see that it will be possible for the state to meet future needs.

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Thanks Norman, you're a star.  I am sure you are right having read your paragraph in French.  It would certainly been expensive if they had tried to buy this insurance - my mother was 78 when they first lived in France, she is now almost 89 !!

Any money contributed as "aide sociale" for board and lodging fees in a MdeR has to be repaid if any property or money is left when person (or husband/wife if later) so less of a drain on the state than it might be as people often/sometimes have a house to leave.

What I don't know is whether the care costs of the Home - for which she has had money from the start - is chargeable to the UK like other health costs.

Thanks again

Mrs H

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[quote user="Hereford"]

What I don't know is whether the care costs of the Home - for which she has had money from the start - is chargeable to the UK like other health costs.

Thanks again

Mrs H


I am not sure but it would seem logical that the part for medical care should be paid by the UK if she has an S1

This is a clear breakdown of the 3 components the costs of a stay in a Home and the first one is normally paid direct by the Assurance Maladie if you are French


Another page of the same site shows what charges have to be met apart from the medical ones.


I am sure you are busy working out how these can be met, as you seem well organised and well ahead in your planning.

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Thanks Norman. Yes we are all sorted out with the "care" costs being paid. My mother has been in the MdeR since last October (father had two heart attacks in 2 weeks so that was the end of APA at home!) The APA was transferred smoothly to the MdeR - this is the bit that I assume is being charged back to the UK via her S1.

We were told last year, when I requested a "simulation" of how MdeR costs would be met if and when we needed, that my father would have to pay in full for a while and then he could ask for aide sociale. That is what we are sorting at the moment.  Amazingly (for France) the Social Worker who is our contact at the Department answers emails promptly and has been so helpful with what has been a stressful few months.  Once we get this last bit organised we will feel in control again.

I asked for help on this forum early last year over claiming APA and I sure it was you, Norman, with others, who gave me the confidence to sort it out.

My French has improved enormously with running around the French system, but I don't recommend it as a way of learning.

Thanks too to AZ for answering above.

Mrs H

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