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Pep's and Nos Chers Voisins, TF1


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I recently read in the Nouvelle Republique about these two short soaps on TF1.  Pep's has not long started and Nos Chers Voisins has been broadcast since last year.  What appealed to me was the length of broadcasts - they seem to be between 2 and 15 minutes long and I thought this would be great for improving French.  Most people can concentrate for that long.  Once you get to know the characters, there's always the desire to know 'what happens next' which encourages you to keep watching.  I just watched a little bit of Pep's and it's quite funny.  There's a lot of expressive body language to help you follow what's going on.

Has anyone watched these or fancy giving them a try?

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My internet connection is very slow this morning so I've looked in some old newspapers to find the times of the broadcasts:  Wednesday, Nos Chers Voisins is broadcast at 20.35 and PEP's (funny about the apostrophe, isn't it?) at 20.45 for 5 minutes.  But you can watch replays of NCV here:


PEP's is about the relationships between parents, pupils and profs at school/college and NCV is about the random encounters of  a variety of people living in a block of flats. They're both comedies.  I like the idea of being able to replay the episodes so that what may be almost incomprehensible first time round begins to make sense with repetition, just like re-listening to a recorded phone message.

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Thank you very much, quatrechats.

I have been lazy and should have looked for myself so I apologise for the time you have had to spend looking in old newspapers![:$]

I will do my utmost to have my first dose (er...lesson) of NCV tomorrow evening and I hope to be able then to come back here and give you my opinion (such as it's is and only if worth noting!)[:-))]

Thanks again [:)]

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Sorry, when I wrote my last post, I thought today was Wednesday! [8-)]

NCV is on tonight, Tuesday, at 20.42 followed by PEP's at 20.45 (until 20.50) so you can have a double dose!  If you're able to watch it live, there are subtitles but these aren't available on replay.

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[quote user="quatrechats"]Sorry, when I wrote my last post, I thought today was Wednesday! [8-)]

NCV is on tonight, Tuesday, at 20.42 followed by PEP's at 20.45 (until 20.50) so you can have a double dose!  If you're able to watch it live, there are subtitles but these aren't available on replay.


What, there's another muddley-headed person out there who also has problems keeping track of the days, weeks, months and, in my case, sometimes years![:-))][:-))][:-))]

Earlier on, OH asked me what the date was and I had to say "wait a minute.  Let me see, yesterday was the 26th and I know that because that was the first day of the American Tennis Open and so I suppose today must be the 27th?"

Wouldn't mind so much if it was an occasional occurrence but, for me, this is an increasingly frequent problem!

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