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Could someone please correct this FRENCH for me?


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It's my second week learning French and I'm really trying to do well. Can someone take a look at this and correct it without introducing any new vocabulary? I know it's incredibly basic.

Bonjour! Je m’appelles Thomas Waters. C’est ne Walters pas, c’est Waters. W…A…T…E…R…S, pas L. Je suis de New York dans l’etat unis, donc Je suis américaine. J’aime la chanson américaine, mais j’aime la chanson franҫais aussi. J’aime la classe franҫais mais je comprends un très peu. Mon professeur pour la classe est plus intelligent que mon professeur de l’anglais. J’adore l’université et les cours, mai je déteste la classe de l’anglais. Pourquoi? Parce que la classe de l’anglais est très sérieuse et je suis plus sociable. Je suis ne grande pas, mais je suis sportif (J’aime le tennis). Je suis sympathique, généreux et travailleur aussi. Mon anniversaire est le 29 juillet. J’adore le mois de juillet parce que c’est dans l’été et c’est très beau. J’aime le printemps et l’automne aussi, mais je n’aime pas l’hiver. Dans le printemps et l’été les fleurs sont très belles. Dans l’hiver? Pas du tout! L’hiver est plus déprimé que tout les saisons donc en l’hiver je ne suis pas heureaux. Je suis malheureaux et paresseux dans l’hiver. Je déteste le devoir pour le cours de franҫais, mais maintenant c’est fini! Et aujourd’hui je comprends plus franҫais qu la demain. Merci professeur. Bon week-end!
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I'm not going to do your homework for you, either, and for future reference, 99% of all the people on this forum are native English speakers, so the chances are quite high that their French is not perfect either.

However, just to show I'm not totally miserable... Have a look through your homework and check your subject-verb agreement, make sure your endings and articles are the correct gender, and have a look at the placement of "Ne pas" in your sentences when making a negative.
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[quote user="woolybanana"][quote user="NormanH"]I'm not going to do your homework for you, but you might look at this site:



Go on, Norman, you've got nothing to do. Just think of it as corrections across the sea.[/quote]

He might have "nothing to do" but he can occupy his time better than to rewrite all of that stuff the OP has put out there?

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Thank you NormanH, I did use that site and it was immensely helpful.

Just to be clear I was not trying to get anyone to do my homework for me. I had spent a considerable amount of time on that already, I just wanted someone smarter than me to take a look. I don't think this is any different than an author who has his work looked over by an editor prior to publishing. Surely no one accuses authors of not having written the book after someone else makes edits for them.

Anyway, thanks again for the help NormanH. That website is truly invaluable.
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Just watch it, though. It is a Canadian website, and sometimes it will give you answers which may be useful but not necessarily perfect.Also, like any free resource of its type, it can't contextualise your writing.

But it's a very useful tool.

And no further offence intended, but getting someone smarter to take a look at your homework is what your teacher does. :-)
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You are quite right Betty as you often are on questions of language teaching.

I find it very useful as a check, but you do need to know when it is suggesting a correction that isn't necessary.

Paradoxically you probably need quite a good level already to get the best use out of it.

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