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Le p'tit Libé


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I'm possibly late to the party, but I've just discovered this!


It's impressive: items from the news from Libération written for 7-10 year olds.

If you're still learning French, I think it's worth a look! Simple vocabulary, but so far it covers (among other topics) the Climate Summit, the Paris atrocities and the migrant crisis...

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]NewsROUND...of course, Mint. Sorry! Have egg-sized lump on head after a collision with a door handle, so my brain is clearly addled, too![/quote]

OH, ma pauvre!  Sounds bloody painful!

If it's any consolation, your head will be fine again by the morning but my poor old brain will remain ramolli (?spelling)[:'(]

I keep mentioning this .....er....problem of remembering words and what they mean ....to OH but I don't think he is taking it seriously.

Oh well, if you see more and more posts from me that make no sense whatsoever, could you notify the mental health services of the Dordogne for me?  OTOH, I think those services might be overwhelmed already!

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