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Insurance-speak, please HELP!


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Long story but now needing advice on what the insurance company (newly found by me) wants:

relevé d'informations justifiant vos antécedents d'assurance

Have sent them the "écheance" for 2017 and 2018 which clearly shows the details of the car and my 50% bonus.  STILL, I have had the same request to send the document in italics above.

I have worked out, rightly or wrongly, that it's the renewal notice that they want.  Am I correct or have hold of the wrong end of the stick?

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Just do a search for that phrase and you will get a clear explanation e.g. https://droit-finances.commentcamarche.com/faq/5120-releve-d-information-assurance-auto

It is a specific statement you obtain from your insurer containing

- date de souscription du contrat ;

- numéro d'immatriculation du véhicule ;

nom, prénom, date de naissance, numéro et date de délivrance du permis de conduire du souscripteur et de chacun des conducteurs désignés dans le contrat ;

- nombre, nature, date de survenance et conducteur responsable des sinistres survenus au cours des cinq périodes annuelles précédant l'établissement du relevé d'informations, ainsi que la part de responsabilité retenue ;

- coefficient de réduction-majoration (coefficient bonus-malus) appliqué à la dernière échéance annuelle ;

- date à laquelle les informations ci-dessus ont été arrêtées.
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Hi Mint
I had to get one of these last month when I changed my car insurance. I was concerned as I knew the old agency do not like to lose customers.  However I went in and although the office lady said "are you changing your insurance" (I admit to answering "perhaps but not sure"...but I am sure she knew that I was) the document needed was printed off by her immediately. It was clearly a standard document that was instantly available.

Just ask, don't worry Mint.

I had initially emailed and asked for the document and specified a time that I would collect it. Poor lady in the office had not seen the email as "he (agent) is in Africa on holiday and I have no access to his emails".
What about that for the smooth running of an agency - really I despair.
Mrs H

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Mrs H, thanks for the reply as much as for the moral support[:D]

I won't worry; I'll send them an email and, if no reply, I'll ring.

I have read that they are legally obliged to provide this within a fortnight.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you all, and special thanks to pomme and Mrs H.  Now all sorted.  I have meant to come back and tell you how it panned out but "life" got in the way.

It was as explained to me.  A phone call to the previous insurer and the document was emailed to me on the same day.  I sent it on to the new insurer who told me that my dossier was now complete and that I would get my certificate and vignette within a week.  All duly arrived and I have saved myself in excess of 300 euros......clearly, one of my better moves[:)]

What would I do without all the lovely, helpful people on the forum?[kiss]

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