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Owning a gun.


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I know this is a contrevertial topic given the current global situation, but I wanted to know what the law is here for owning a gun in your house for your own protection.  I have both my neighbours (to the left of me, and to the right of me) who own guns.  When there is a noise outside early in the morning (thanks to several thefts in the region) the neighbour to my right patrols outside gun in hand ready to confront anybody who's trying break into a neighbours house.  I just laugh it off, but it makes me nervous.

I have heard of a guy, who 6 months ago in the local town, saw a guy trying to break into his car.  He went back to his bedroom, found his pistol and went to the window on his 3rd floor studio and shot "at" the guy trying to break in to his car.....his mate ran away soon after.  In the morning, the man had a knock at the door, the police were there en force to arrest him, he had shot the guy, and killed him.  He was lying by the side of his car all night!  He went to prison for several years! 

What is the law like for owning a gun, how do you go about getting one?  I do not want one myself but I would like to know how the neighbour is able to get a gun + bullets and then parade about with it at night......(he is the old fire chief here, but there is mental instability in the house, he is not really with it and his wife is manic depressive). 

I'd be interested to hear what you guys think.  On one hand having people armed around us makes me think that these people are serious about protecting their own and everything around them.....but only the other hand it does feel a little like the wild west here! [8-)]

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It is very easy to get a gun in france as long as you know enough french to pass a test for a hunting licence or join a gun club. You can then have a large selection of guns to choose from apart from military calibre. It is pretty bad how easy it is to get your hands on such lethal weapons.
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You cannot under any circumstance own a firearm for protection. Agreed it is not too difficult to have a firearm for hunting or sport shooting in France but that is how it should be. Firearms never harmed anyone it is people who harm one another. Firearms are no more dangerous than a motor vehicle. I have used and been in close proximity to firearms for more than thirty years and have never known one to jump up and harm anyone all on it's own. Remember "if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns."
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Its true that its easier than the UK but there are still controls in place and strict records kept.

If you join a gun club (stand de tir) you are accessed as to suitability over a six-month period during which time your book is stamped.

You are then able to purchase various types of weapon depending on your grading.

I own several weapons, both rifle and pistol as I target shoot and have bi-annual checks by the gerndarmes to ensure adequate security for those weapons.

It is also possible to have your own tank in france, but the firing mechanism must be left with the police, when the tank is not in use..
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My OH has guns here - he also had a full firearms licence back in UK. As I understand it, regulations go something like this.

Anyone can own a shotgun basically without licence, hence why they are seen everywhere, but bizarrely you must have a gun licence or Permis in order to buy ammunition.     In order to have  hunting rifles you need a Permis de Chasse for which you have to take a special test (in French, no exceptions) showing you are able to differentiate between what you can or cannot hunt, also a practical test to demonstrate you are capable of using the gun properly.   (It all kind of goes out the window when they go out hunting boozed-up to the limit, hence why so many hunters get accidentally shot).

However for anything else you must join a gun club through which you will earn your licence to keep weapons.    The club informs the prefecture plus the gendarmes who investigate whether you are a suitable person to have guns (via Interpol I believe),  you then need a medical certificate and if you pass this hurdle to get a gun licence later on you may apply for a pistol licence.      Even having the relevant licences it does not mean you can take pot shots at things in your garden - this is frowned upon - likewise shooting burglars but that saying, burglary rates in rural communities are low because  nobody particularly wants to test that theory!  

Thats how I interpret the rules having lived through it!

Oh yes.   He would also like a tank.....................[:D]

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