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Complete France Forum

What the world thinks

Jill<br><br>Jill (99)

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Those of you who can receive BBC2 may have seen this evenings programme "What the World thinks about God". Apparently 46% of British believe in a God (I missed the beginning so wasn't sure whether this was the Christian only, or others too). In Nigerial 98% believe. But the survey only covered 10 countries and none of the others were European.

I wondered if anyone knew what the percentage was in France, given that there is no religious education in schools. My daughter was saying that a Frenchman who posts on a site she uses was asking about the bible because he knows so little about Christianity himself - he lives in America and he is unable to join in discussions because he knows so little. Yet, many have always looked on France as a catholic country.

So, I just wondered what the French percentage of believers actually is.

Not a very serious survey really though - one question was whether David Beckham or God influenced peoples most!!! I ask you!!!! Well I think it was 23% who said Beckham!

Jill (99)
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