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insurance claim


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Hi.I'm new to the forum and am after a bit of advise.We bought a place in the auvergne a couple of years ago and last year we had some work done on it by a local building company.The barn attached to the house was falling down,so we had it demolished and an extension built.During this work,which we were really pleased with.The builder broke our fosse septic and the pipework leading too it,probably with heavy plant they were using.He admitted doing it,but said it was sinking and too small anyway.We asked for a quote to replace it and he sent us one for over 4000 euro's.We asked through a freind of ours from the region,if he could claim on his insurance,as he admitted responsibility.He said yes,asked his insurance company,who he said,said get us to sign the quote and send it back and they will decide whether they will pay all,some or none of it.Now most people including our insurance out there said they'd never heard of this and if we sign and they said no,we've still given the go ahead for the work and maybe liable to pay,which we cant afford ATM.Now i trust this man,he is a mayor of a local village and i'm sure he's not trying to con us.But my wifes not so sure.If we dont sign,we wont get it done i suppose.But not sure what to do.Any ideas would be much appreciated.Thanks.
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You may be able to put in a clause before your signature, something like.

"Je signe et accepte cette devis, seulement dans la condition que tous ces travaux seront payés par la Compagnie d'assurance traitant ma déclaration de sinistre."

Maybe someone else can say if the French above is good enough.

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If the building company has admitted liability for the damage to your fosse, then it's up to them to repair it.  How they fund this rectification work is up to them and there is no reason for them to insist on you signing a devis as acceptance for the work to be carried.  If they intend claiming on their insurance, then I would imagine their insurer would inspect the damage and negotiate the claim directly with them.



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