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Anyone any knowledge of PLU.not PMU?


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Asking a bit tongue  in cheek as it has radically affected a friends finances and future plans. They are no longer residents here so we need to find out all available info before we take up the problem for them. They have a piece of land which was given a CDU 18 months ago.This was aparently renewed without any problems. However a potential buyer has dropped out of a purchase as some ruling by the PLU, brought in on Feb 1st, has now prevented a build on the site. We are awaiting copies of all the paperwork and details from UK but although we have tried ,via Google etc. have been unable to find any reference to PLU. Any forum member out there come across this? Obviously we will tackle Immo/ Maire and DDE but forearmed etc.



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[quote user="Clair"]

PLU = plan local d'urbanisme

It defines the rules of any future developments in the town. [/quote]

Is that the one which changes its parameters regularly ie every few years? So somewhat akin to the 'local area plan' which has its parameters redrawn every few years in the UK?


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   A couple of years ago we found ourselves in a similar position. In brief , bought a plot of land with CU, it's close to expiring as was told by the Mairie that renewing would be a waste of time and urged to put in P de C pdq because the PLU and zones were changing. Indeed it did, to a zone naturelle.

   Later, on another matter but sort of related, I went to the Mairie, and the secretary very kindly copied onto disc the PLU for the whole commune, not just our hamlet. It makes a very interesting read, and includes maps with the different zones marked out, rules and regs etc.

Like you, I have google'd my socks off trying to find information on the net, especially more specific and detailed. It maybe worth a trip down to the relevant Mairie to see if they are willing to do the same for you as they did us.

I'm not sure if the rules of a zone naturelle (for example, but from memory I have other zone info) are exactly the same for each department, if they are, I'd be more than happy to send you the info.

Or have I got it wrong and not talking about what you are talking about.[blink]



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