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Guide des Chateaux

Jill<br><br>Jill (99)

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I thought that some of you might be interested in the above book. It was published this year by Le Cercle du Patrimoine. Apparently that is a "non-profit organisation which aims at promoting the growing intrest the public shows in French architectural and historic heritage". In the book they invite readers to leave their name and address so that they can be kept informed of all their actions and events. Their e.mail address is cercledupatrimoine@wanadoo.fr. Their website is http://www.guide-chateaux.com/

The book is similar to Hudsons Historic Houses and Gardens, but is the size of the average novel. How accurate it is remains to be seen. It is written in French, English and German and has a photo of each castle with a brief description. Days of opening - but not times - are given. However, I've just looked on their website and got a link through to a castle we visited a couple of weeks ago and was able to get that information.

You may be able to get all the information you want from the website - but on the other hand, we don't all have our computers during our travels.

There are castles listed in the book for which we saw no tourist information when we were in the Dordogne three weeks ago, so it could be useful.

As someone was asking a few months ago whether there was an organisation similar to English Heritage or National Trust in France, I thought it sounds as though this association might be trying to go in that direction - although presumably they are not in a position to own properties. Who knows - if they receive support, they may be able to develop further?

Please don't take this as a recommendation - I only bought the book last week, but time will tell whether this or the website are worthwhile.

Jill (99)
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