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Complete France Forum


Dick Smith

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  • 3 weeks later...
Dick, thank you for website address, very much appreciated as my usually very reliable courier returned from Paris with Cahiers du Cinema (series of articles on Truffaut), Detours en France (feature Perigord), Belles Demeures & Paris Match (that's for the au pair) but no Photo magazine.  Claimed he couldn't find it on the shelf at Charles de Gaulle, so it's not just St Lo.  Perhaps there was a rush on this particular edition?  M
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[quote]I have tracked down their websitehttp://www.photo.frand they seem to sell back issues, so I have emailed them to ask if they deliver in England. If not, can we get someone in France to accept delivery...[/quote]

I am happy to mail them on to you if you wish as I am resident in France. I can e-mail you my address if you are agreeable. Just add an extra copy for me


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I have received a reply from Photo:

Pour obtenir le numéro 4HS Cartier Bresson de photo vous devez joindre à

votre demande un chèque de 7.50 Euros à l'ordre de PHOTO (somme

correspondant à l'achat et aux frais d'envoi et l'envoyer

à :

TARIF : 6 Euros pour la France

7.50 • pour l'étranger


bureau 761, service lecteurs

151, rue Anatole France

92534 Levallois-Perret Cedex

Do you want to order your own, or do you want me to order for you (may be easier if anyone doesn't have access to a Euro account).
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[quote]I have received a reply from Photo:Pour obtenir le numéro 4HS Cartier Bresson de photo vous devez joindre àvotre demande un chèque de 7.50 Euros à l'ordre de PHOTO (sommecorrespondant à l'achat et a...[/quote]

Thanks for the information Dick. I will order my own.


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