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My first Chasse!


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I went on my first chevreuil hunt yesterday - unfortuneately  didnt manage to shoot anything - the deer kept well away from my bit of battue! But the 5 course repas afterwards was excellent - with all the various aperitifs, wines and digestifs - I slpet very well last night!  Through joining the local hunt (I passed the very strict Permit de Chasse in August) I have met 25 new local French people I probably would never have come into contact with - and a very friendly lot they are.

Je suis tres content dans le Gers!

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Not surprised to see you haven't had any other replies to your post.  Most people, I think you'll find, believe there is something extremely distasteful about people who get their thrills chasing and killing wildlife. How anyone can find killing beautiful creatures such as deer pleasurable is totally beyond me

And yes, before anyone points a finger at me to sneer, I am a 'tree hugger' and proud of it. 

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I'm a tree hugger too... but that doesn't preclude eating meat and if the meat was running through a wood a few days ago, in my view that's much better than buying it from a supermarket.

Glad you enjoyed your introduction to just one aspect of French culture, Don1. But don't go out with a loaded gun *after* lunch.


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"I'm a tree hugger too... but that doesn't preclude eating meat and if the meat was running through a wood a few days ago, in my view that's much better than buying it from a supermarket."

Why?  Sorry but I'm having a real problem understanding how someone who says they are a tree hugger, which in my definition is someone who believes that animals should be treated with compassion and respect and not be subjected to unnecessary terror and pain (in this case in the name of sport), can make such a statement

I have to admit to feeling a certain sense of satisfaction from knowing that a few hunters each season end up shooting themselves or others of their ilk in pursuit of their so called sport.  Serves the blood thirsty b******s right

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What is the big hang-up with hunting. The animal gets to live a good life if the woods. You get very fresh meat from an animal that as not been pumped full of god knows what drugs to make it larger and leaner.The pleasure of killing your own food, is the true conection between man and beast. Unlike buying grey packets from the supermarket.

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[quote]"I'm a tree hugger too... but that doesn't preclude eating meat and if the meat was running through a wood a few days ago, in my view that's much better than buying it from a supermarket." Why? ...[/quote]

So what about the 'terror and pain' which animals suffer while being transported, sometimes over long distances and for many hours, to the abattoir. At least with hunting, if the hunter has any skill (and if they don't, they shouldn't be hunting!) the animal dies very quickly and cleanly. If people eat meat (and I do) then they should be aware of how the animals which provide their meat lived -  and died.


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"How anyone can find killing beautiful creatures such as deer pleasurable is totally beyond me"

what is beauty to some is a flea ridden nusiance to others(and not necessarily animals!)

I enjoy hunting, but I really like the food it provides - venison, delicious sanglier - and there is nothing better then a plateful of alouette and chips! You canot buy alouette or grives in the shops, so I have to shoot them to fill the freezer!


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