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Has anyone tried to read this odd publication?  Even after reading it, I'm still not entirely sure where it's "coming from", but I think this review isn't far from the truth:

"Au final, l’Imbécile porte bien son nom : c’est un journal plutôt de droite, pseudo intellectuel et culturel, dont les articles ressemblent plus aux ragots du bistrot du coin qu’à des enquêtes."

It says, in an article about Dominique de Villepin's book..... "La tautologie est l'onanisme de la logique".    I've often thought so myself.  

On the positive side, it's enabled me to catch up with "Gloire et Fortune" without having to watch it.  This can only be good! 



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SB, it caused great stir amongst my French friends last night, had them even ringing friends asking if they knew of this publication.  No one did.  But they all express great interest, perhaps because they would tend to class themselves as left wing intellectuals and would like to read a view from the right.  Who is it published by, how often does it come out?  M
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"Au final, l’Imbécile porte bien son nom : c’est un journal plutôt de droite, pseudo intellectuel et culturel, dont les articles ressemblent plus aux ragots du bistrot du coin qu’à des enquêtes."

My thats really outstanding stuff. I'm sorry you where not able to comprehend it's meaning but there you go


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It did mention John Donne's Biathanatos, which I now have an envie to read.

First copy I came across in my search was $5500.    I wonder if FNAC have got it in modern English - life is too short to fight with metaphysical theology in French.

Has anyone read it?

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