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French Tabloids


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My son is doing a dissertation on the how tennis coverage varies between broadsheet and tabloid newspapers (referring nowadays to the type of coverage/target readership rather than the physical size of paper!) and besides comparing English newspapers he wants to include French ones as well. I had a look last week when we were in France and the only National Daily newspaper I could see that could be classed as a tabloid was 'Aujourdhui'. Does anyone know of any others? The problem then is trying to get back issues!


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That was interesting, Clarkkent, the French Press in a nutshell.

I think someone told me that Paris Soir is a bit tabloidish, but I could be completely wrong there, and I've never seen a copy anyway.

Nice to see no mention whatsoever of that Aussie bloke, you know the one who started off by inheriting the Adelaide Standard or some such rag from his daddy, and who now owns a huge part of the world's press.  If I could only remember his name.....

Edit - just had to look for the Paris Soir online.  Found it, it's all in French, then clicked on Paris Bordello (of course!), and guess what, it's all about TENNIS!   In English, but it might give you some leads.....


No idea who World News are, probably belongs to that Aussie bloke.

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Regional papers are more accessible than the national ones and have a much wider audience.
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Thanks for the replies. We have been trawling the internet and its possible to download some newspapers from the past week but beyond that its down to searching the archives and most sites that have the facility are charging at least 3-4euros/article. If only he had decided on his dissertation in the summer it would have been a lot easier! We have got Le Monde but its the 'tabloid' thats the problem - time to resort to writing some letters to see if we can buy back issues.



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