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5 times a week - too much?


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Son's favourite TV just now is Stargate, it starts at 10 minutes to 6  EVERY DAY!   Same with Charmed last year, and Smallville, and Le Chaméleon, and goodness knows what other imported teen delights.

I don't mind Stargate soooo much, because I get to look at Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'c (haven't seen General Hammond's organ yet tho).

I was going to say "it wasn't like this in the UK", then I thought of Big Brother, and of course the 75 weekly episodes of East Enders.

I still think children's TV is/was better in the UK.  Here in France the only decent thing is "C'est pas sorcier", the rest is crappy cartoons.  Ah, for Blue Peter and their appeals, Art Attack, Newsround.....

Did quite enjoy "Ma Terminale" for a couple of episodes.


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Ha!! We don't get M6 down here without a satellite dish so we miss all those wonderful reruns of little house on the prairie. (can't find a smug smilie)

I really miss the Minikeums, children's TV hasn't been the same since they went. The husband would say it went downhill after Casimir We're  Fred & Jamy fans here too, the husband even uses them in class.

I miss Blue Peter, Art attack etc for the quality but it's quite a relief not to have a child come into the kitchen saying "I need four washing up bottles, a sheet of sticky backed plastic, three loo rolls, and a cornflakes box.... actually there are 3 of us so we'll need....."



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It would never be too much for TOH, SB!! What channel is it on?

We have TPS and don't usually switch on until 9 to watch/snore through a flim.

Some dear soul lent OH 13 Trekkie vidoes to plough through - had to banish him to bedroom with magnetiscope.



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Catch up with the good-looking SG-1 team on M6.  

Jack O'Neill is definitely better-looking than lardy old Cap'n Kirk.  And Teal'c - no no no, will stop there, it's not fair to make comparisons between Jaffas and Vulcans, I'll only embarrass myself.     

No red-shirted crew members were expended unnecessarily in the writing of this post.

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Don't know which channel(s) your Son watches but may I recommend Dark Angel ?  If you are not familiar with this soft porn sci-fi featuring girl on motorbike (no, not MF) pls take my word that it should be essential viewing for all males.

John not

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What about Alias??? I want to be Sydney Bristow. Come to think of it, I'd quite like to be Jennifer Garner. Fit in current and original senses of the term

And for SG-1, what about poor Daniel! He's cute, in an intellectual sort of way. Or is the current series the one in which 'he's taking a rest having ascended to other levels?' And have you seen the Atlantis SG variant yet on French tv? Then take a look at Angel - David Boreanaznez-whatever is worth a look... er... sorry, sorry, I'll go away and drink my coffee now...

Carole (who has possibly provided far too much information about herself)

(btw, the West Wing is what I miss most from UK tv)

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We recently bought a` sky package(whoops..isn`t that illegal...) some late night tv is good Peter Kays `Max and Paddy`being  one of them,but I have realisd that there are far too many adverts on UK tv (our 7 year old can`t understand how Elvis can be having a record released for christmas!)

Watched blue peter last week as our eldest daughters old school wind band was on ,on Thanksgiving day!

When I was younger I loved magpie and animal magic, follyfoot and sundays wern`t the same without Worzel Gummage!

I was also upset when the Tweenies took the morning spot of Playdays

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Follyfoot Farm, was that the one with the song about the lightning tree?  Wah-hay the lightning tree, never too late for you and me? 

I had a Worzel Gummidge book, it had a picture of a ship's figurehead on the front, a lady with overly-large bosoms ("I didn't think that was possible", line from Full Monty).  Made me feel quite grown-up to have a book with such a daring picture on it.

2heads, yes, Daniel is just cuteness abounding, and I would love to give him a big hug, but I find myself looking at the more "mature" man these days (insofar as such a beast exists, of course   ).    Teal'c is clearly ageless, so he would do too. 

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[quote]As we've just had a week with, I think, ten episodes of Coronation Street then even at five times a week Stargate (whatever that is) has a bit of catching up to do.[/quote]

10 eps of Corrie... nooooooooo! I can't stand these reality tv series!


(still in need of a tongue-in-cheek emoticon )
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