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Smoking - tobacco and cannabis


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Dear friend..your implication is wrong...I detect the 'smoker's' paranoia but could be wrong....yes I don't have the slightest doubt..not being a fragmented mind gamer like pot smokers are..that pot frees people up to another step. I will not answer your question fully but can say that every person I know dead from heroin or cocaine or acid first smoked pot before 'moving on'. I don't have the slightest interest in regurgitatons of the mental perambulations of the neurotics over all this business..its ipso facto.

Deaths range from brains all over the pavement ater bike accidents with my having to tell his mother her only son or daughter a pillion passenger is dead to decapitation both on bikes and in cars through accidents whilst not long before (ie for a long time coming also ) being stoned. Pot users I know have also brutally killed people..whilst stoned...

Bad trips on pot are not unknown and the general pot smoker completes his or her chosen inability and desire to never grow up by making the creeps who sell this crap, rich, As for all the "medical benefits" (how much longer will this go drivel go on??) as I said better drugs are available. I reacall my gorlfriend Nurse offering me morphine for a serious headache..I said NO..what IS it with these drug loonies??

Pot smoker are like all pathetic drug abusers who blame everything and everyone for their own pathos...we have listened to the garbage for years, they contribute nothing of value including the music.their mumbling and bumbling 'intellectual ' conversations are so fragmented and neurotic they are difficult to follow> Irreepective of what others do... They lie cheat and steal to get their 'friendly, "only social" drug which has such enormous benefits for society" in their mangled brains. That there are vast numbers of alternatives to every problem is irrelevant..what IS relevant is making an excuse for using the drug....voila..

Unfortunately straight 'society' has to out up with these morons as well as alcoholics, pethedine addicts, smokers, and criminal genoicidal loonies like "ex" alcoholic religious addict Bush, religious loonie  Howard..overwrought  Blair(well Blair has some saving graces actually)and crawler Bernesconi, faustian poland and Spain  etc who conspired t murder Iraqis or no good reason just as ONE example......there ARE other addictions including peanut butter and sex....... but there is NOTHING in this world which justifies the use of even MORE consciousness altering drugs than we have....and with all sympathy for the weakminded dopes who become addicts...and that includes the argument around freedom of choice...In my life I have watched the people I know and world I knew deteriorate alongside increased drugs abuse...and the drugs were the problem, the rest followed...There is no such thing as a 'normal' abuser  and personally I am up to the neck with all the excuses and lies and the boring rationalisations about the deaths and pschosis by druggies and those who want to take up their cause...Do I believe in tracking down ALL the sources and locking them up for life or until rehabilitated..yes. I say this including the CIA, the US Presidency, the USAF, The Marine corp suppliers. gymnasiums school children and teachers, Lawyers,  and so on YES his world needs to move ahead not dog paddle in political and military sewage and drug rationalised mind games... WE have been bogged up to our necks in it since the early '60's and personally I have heard probably every boring drug rationalisation and what about smokes and alcohol a thousand times...drug users are a menace to the progression of the human race IRRESPECTIVE of other menaces ...Criminal action MUST be rehabilitaton oriented but freely iven information leading to the identification data for the the destruction of suppliers..must be a condition of  release. Are users less bad than suppliers?? ..NO..but suppliers are the ultimate parasites and whether you grow your own or buy it, there is another supplying party involved...

So mate please, if you were,  don't try to inveigle me into druggie mind games....its all been done over the last thirty years and the result is "out with (and doesn't it and its users stink of it) it and all mind altering-by choice alone -illegal substance" ,and then let's start on the legal stuff..start to really try to get rid of its abuse too.

Re your latter quesion..if as was said in the primal scream, pot users have bad trips as do LSD users for example and the latter try to fly without being in  aplane or such, for example then it is beyond question that they have summarily died on occasions and my cousin who hanged himself was a pot user...do I have to reinforce this and seek world histories ?My poiny is always this...there may be other bad ubstances, other bad occurrences, other bad sociologies but NONE of that excuses adding to them...



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By the way I reread my off the cuff stuff which is not isolated,,it follows other items...I don't see any major problem following the line of thinking and your purported problem seems to me to be...premature..the odd gramatical or structural error hasn't altered the stream or theme...If you really cannot understand something ask me and I may try to explain more clearly but I put  heap or peripherals in the previous reply so my card hand is clear ..cheers

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Finally..I forgot..the legalising of drug usage sure will help people to NOT be criminalised in a narrow soco-legal system rotten with abuse itself ..I agree with that in principle without losing sight of my own principle...but I do NOT agree that legalising the use of drugs even when controlled stops criminality,,that is just hocus pocus from the confused mind and the neurotic brain of the (especially) pot smoker's armory .

Even free methadine is harbored and resold by 'reforming addicts" ....we are talking of cunning and corrupt people...not some poor harmless fantasy addict "who caught it from the toilet seat." Irrespective of all trite arguments drug users/abusers are by their choice dishonest and rat cunning....all argument revolves ultimately about "how can I add significant substance to the argument for me to abuse drugs?"



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Is it possible someone has put something in your morning tea?

I agree with you about the sex and peanut butter though. Dodgy, especially when mixed. I feel sorry for the people who have to clean up after these sex and peanut butter orgies.


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Firstly on the question of who runs the world who would you like to choose.

So you tell people that thier loves ones are dead,that makes you a cop,if not not what?As for your take on cannabis what would be your view before it was made illegal in the thirties and that coke meant coke in the drink.Maybe when you and your pals are hiding behide walls and bushs trying to nick someone going a couple of miles per hour over the speed limit on an OPEN road and you are thinking of worldy things maybe it would help if you came back down to the real world.


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++ I agree with you about the sex and peanut butter though. Dodgy, especially when mixed. I feel sorry for the people who have to clean up after these sex and peanut butter orgies. ++

This could generate a whole new - and possibly very scary - thread on the Chambres d'hote / Gite forums.
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[quote]Firstly on the question of who runs the world who would you like to choose. So you tell people that thier loves ones are dead,that makes you a cop,if not not what?As for your take on cannabis what wo...[/quote]


Were you beaten, ignored,or avoided as a child? Did your lack of clarity in expressing ideas in writing stem from a wasted schooling? Do you find it difficult to grapple with anything bigger than a paragraph?

If you must presume to know someone's background (PLato's) should you not check your facts before launching into a barely literate albeit incoherant tirade against that person.You may hide in the depths of cyberspace but as soon as you engage in yet another illiterate foray you portray yourself as the lonely attention seeking illiterate that you are.

Others have pointed out that your feeble, barely legible and rambling scribblings have appeared elsewhere on these boards. Stop making a fool of yourself in public and seek help.

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Turnip,yeap beaten by teachers and coppers, so on to wasted schooling yes it was a waste.

Who tells people that the sons or daughters  have died, most of the time coppers.No do not hide I am here for all the world to read.

Others have indeed pointed out what you say are the uncomfortable fact then again  others do agree with me so where do you go from there,maybe with me for counselling.Fact is that if anyone wants to make a fool of them self they could post rubbish under the name turnip sweed carrot or any other root veg.

ps PM me when you rent you place in france.


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Outcast, if Plato is an ex peeler, he must have been deep undercover to have so many friends die and know of murders 'on cannabis'. Reefer madness writ large.

Turnip, you may have gathered I am not exactly outcasts best mate on this forum, he and I, I suspect, have diametrically opposed views on just about everything.

However, if you find it easier to follow Plato's replies to my simple question earlier, than outcasts response (misdirected as I think it is) you are a better linguist than me.

What's your view, Turnip, on the questions Saligo Bay raises in this thread?


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The infantile repetition of reception by Tasco who concentrates on his  ex contextra sex and peanut butter (sic) orgies only highlights my addiction points. Addiction can be anything one cannot control and turns to so as to satisfy depression or some other deeply disturbing brain activity. ..eBay, writing to forums, defending cannabis use, political actions, narcissism and so on and on..the problem person is highlighted by the addiction.."the inability to desist fom the use of" something. To define addiction as 'node growth' or some physical manifestation alone (eg throat complaints with cannabis) is unsatisfactory one needs to simplify to reality as I did above.

I can apologise for errors caused by my rapid 'typing then move on' style as my time is so limited and I make embarassing errors...its not ignorence but lack of ability as a typist.

The essential question always is "why add to the problems we have already" but secondly "how can we reduce the social pressures which turn people towards 'drugs' ". Certainly as outcast commented my life has been eclectic and unafraid to seek but seeking on drugs just seems pointless to me.

I do write in a "definite" style, certainly because I am writing ad lib from a vast resource of experience here and in other areas of the forum and I regard pussyfooting and fairyland talk about drugs abuse as damaging to the broader emergence of society. The lighthearted approach towards drugs including cannabis and mum and dad letting little Freddy or Justin or Anna grow a stash for personal use is an indication of the ignorence and the success he drugs lobby has experienced.This 'for personal use' is grossly abused both for money and because drug users crave 'buddies' and offering a joint is like equally addicted cigarette smokers offering a smoke to someone....is sharing "personal use"?

One is entitled to mock in this pseudo democracy we inhabit. I mock also though with background. Clearly Outlaw and I are not the same person and this allusion doesn't concern me of itself, what does is that the extremely important area of setting aside the arguments for drug abuse and entering into discussion of how to improve the Society nursing it to have a large base of political inepts preening themselves as being drug useers who concentrate on that issue to the exclusion of far more socially important issues at election time. The tragedies wrought by addictions of all kinds are evident (even say in he life of Byron's daughter) and I just am unable to see that legalisation as opposed to 'decriminalisation" has anything to offer It never has and never will stop drug dealing and its associated murders and mayhem. We tolerate perverted cretins( just so whether lawyers doctors or builder's laborers) like the Hells' Angels and other bikie groups known to be drug dealers for example( who made great sums from cannabis as well as other drugs )  rather than exterminate their concept and the perversity of  'freedom' to be a brain dead scumbag drug dealing sexual pervert whose bike of choice is a Harley (which alone shows the egomaniacal psychopathic macho dopiness as a group) and whose murder weapon of choice is the sawn off. If you cannot connect these drug dealing psychotic morons with stiff beards and appropriately pig like eyes and stares with the dangers to society of the finances and 'subculture" of the dopes who use the drugs then perhaps you need to read the world more widely. Much more justice and bright future would have been served by the US marines setting out to exterminate the Hells Angels and Coffin Cheaters and other bikie loonies throughout the world and the other dangerous drug dealing murderous sociopathic yoyo's whether lawyers or scoutmasters than invading Iraq with a death toll of innocent Iraquis so far around 2 million.

"Terrorists" (the generalised fantasy of the politics of fear used to 'acceptably" transform the lesser world by continual Governmental lying into even greater serfdom ) pale into insignificance alongside sociopaths such as Brit Soccer Louts and the killer bikie gangs who deal drugs. These are the reality of the sghades of black and white and grey behind this 'so innocent' depiction of cannabis use and legalisation will change nothing except increase the number of abusers.

I can readily understand debate and for and against and creative thinking but none of it excuses the application of social gains in terms of free speech and action into tolerating groups whose determination is to subjugate society for lust and money as well as satisfying their desire to torture brutalise and kill. Behind the seeming simple growing of dope and supplying heads etc is a venemous grouping of very undesirable people whom the police fear and politicians use (CIA was in partnership with Norriega supplying Cocaine INTO uSA for several years for example).

In a strong society ested by time and found courageous and firm and thoughtful some tolerence of damaging deviancy under supervision can work and inspire better laws and better social conditions but in one like ours..weak,delusional, greedy,dishonest, devoid of leadership, corrupt, addicted to sex and violence,  beset by drug abuse and its mayhem and which has given vastly too much power to both capitalism and the youth it seeks to enslave we the people must simply demand control of the attilla like hordes who are involved in dealing drugs and murdering its opposition /competitors/non payers. The dismissive approach to millions of protesters concerning Iraq is a flashing signal that we as a society are lost and that power groups know we don't have the means or prsistence to bring them down and improve our lot and thse of the downtrodden who are a part of the abuser groups.


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Outcast=outlaw?that aside I can understand what life on a plato is saying but what he says comes from a law enforcement point of view,and then some just to add from a personal view.Maybe if he got out more it might help.

ps,dicky 50/surrey is the 50 your waist size


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Well, you're in a generous mood Dick. Any chance of a few quid now your feeling like that ?

It is Cheltenham week and the first day went badly with one bet and one second, still we live to bet another day as they say !!

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[quote]"ps,dicky 50/surrey is the 50 your waist size"No, Outcast, the 50 is your IQ...[/quote]

I thought 50 referred to the age you had to be to drive a Volvo. Come on Dick. I didn't realise Volvo drivers got so easily rattled. Just pull the cloth cap down tighter and put the knitted gloves back on.....There, isn't that better....Who needs "pot" when a Volvo is handy.
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You need to try an 850 turbo on low-profile tyres on the rubbish roads we have here, then you'll know about rattled. When you get home you have to count your fillings.

Mind you, there's not much mind-expanding about driving the old 940s - underpowered wallowers. But the heated seats are nice.
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