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Moving bees to France


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Hi all

Not sure if this is the correct section but wasn't sure where to post.

Has anyone taken their bees to France? Is it just a case of an inspection by Defra to obtain an export certificate from UK or do French authorities require further paperwork?

Does anyone know of bee suppliers in Dept 46 or surrounding areas?

Thanks in anticipitation



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I can't begin to imagine how difficult it is going to be to move them... I don't think Ryanair is a goer in this case but....

here is some info (possibly out of date)


It may be a good idea to contact them http://www.apiculture.com/sante-de-labeille/index.htm#contact

It seems that it has been strictly controlled until recently. http://www.bioeco.org/docu468

I had no idea that there was such a thing as bee suppliers! We had a swarm in our hedge a few years ago and a local beekeeper came and "rescued" them.


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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]

I can't begin to imagine how difficult it is going to be to move them... I don't think Ryanair is a goer in this case but....


Pity that the Buzz airline isn't still flying!! [:D]


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I'd be quite interested to know as well just to add to my information store.

Strictly speaking you can't move them from one departement to another without first obtaining authorisation.

Sorry I can't help with a supplier in Lot but I think there is a big supplier near Montpelier, you would need to collect, I'll try and find their details.


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Hi Paul,

I know nothing helpful about bee keeping or apiculture. However, it appears from this link: http://apisite.online.fr/fournibee.htm that there are very few suppliers of queens or colonies in the country but maybe the ones shown could help you, especially the one in dept. 21 who has an e-mail address.

Finally, after a lot of searching I think this is the site that you could do with, if your French is up to it? la Ruche du Quercy. It's the site of the association of beekeepers in Lot. They would surely know if there were any local suppliers in Lot but from what I have heard here in the Dordogne colonies are much sought after and quickly snapped up when they are reported.

Good luck with your project [:)].

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