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Silly Walks


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I would have liked to say that I was like Gene Kelly avoiding all the merde de chien on the streets today, springing lightly avoiding one obstacle after another as if dancing my way out of harm. But I wasn't, I suspect that on one particularly degeulas bit of path I looked like John Cleese more than good old Gene.
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That's a very funny image you've conjured up there TU, but have you got the leg length essential for a John Cleese look?

It's revolting isn't it? Whenever I go into town I can't believe everyone isn't looking down all the time.

Still I go there rarely. My own garden is another matter. The dogs of 3 departments leave their offerings. It was like a skating rink the other day. My new cunning plan is to scoop up the offering of one neighbours dog, replace them with the others, (on the boundary this time) and vice versa. Nice work of a morning. NOT


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Dog S*** Alley! that is what we have christened one of the little `cut through alleys` in our village, don`t know its propper name. Its a shame really because it is a short cut to the school and the Maires office. There are some unhealthy /healthy dogs nearby(whichever way you look at it) Mrs O
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Its the same round here too. I feel I really can't enjoy a good walk these days without taking my eyes from the ground in front of me. We waded through loads of mud the other week,got to the car park and cleaned our boots and lo and behold I chose a patch which had dogcrap on it and ended up with in the thick boot treads. Its the same in evey town too,selfish owners let their dogs crap everywhere and again you can't look in shop windows cos your eyes are down below all the time.
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Whilst I was in France last week, this struck me again, as it always does! In one particular town, I noticed that they had a stand with free bags for scooping available - in the tourist office!!!!!! I wonder how many of the locals go into the tourist office? Very few I imagine. Whilst the French do have a tendency to take their dogs out with them, the tourists in this particular town seemed to be mainly coach loads of Americans and English, so not main touring dogs!

Le Havre was particularly bad. You couldn't walk in a straight line. But I didn't see any dogs in that area - which was a residential bit near to the town centre.

I was also appalled towards the end of a meal in a restaurant in Bayeux when a couple brought in their dog and sat at the table next to us. Our French friends who owned a restaurant had told us years ago that it isn't supposed to be allowed, but their own dog was allowed in the kitchen where the food was prepared as well as in the restaurant itself.
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