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Sadly not with a Modestine of my own.


What a great idea Angela.  I haven't read the book yet, just skimmed through it but from what I can see Modestine proved very stubborn at times and Stevenson thrashed her soundly - different times! I expect it still goes on but nowadays people wouldn't dare to admit it - much less write about it. Walking with donkeys does sound like fun though, I could just about keep up.

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Sadly not with a Modestine of my own.


What a great idea Angela.  I haven't read the book yet, just skimmed through it but from what I can see Modestine proved very stubborn at times and Stevenson thrashed her soundly - different times! I expect it still goes on but nowadays people wouldn't dare to admit it - much less write about it. Walking with donkeys does sound like fun though, I could just about keep up.

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Sadly not with a Modestine of my own.


What a great idea Angela.  I haven't read the book yet, just skimmed through it but from what I can see Modestine proved very stubborn at times and Stevenson thrashed her soundly - different times! I expect it still goes on but nowadays people wouldn't dare to admit it - much less write about it. Walking with donkeys does sound like fun though, I could just about keep up.

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Our small and ancient Renault 5 TL was called Modestine because it was a bit stubborn at times.

Modestine went to a scrapyard run by Africans who had a somewhat laisser-faire attitude to paperwork, which was just as well, because for various "paperwork" reasons poor old Modestine never officially belonged to us in the 2 years we had her!   No comment from the PC brigade, please!  

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Our small and ancient Renault 5 TL

Love those cars, the smaller and more ancient the better.  Also rather like the Renault 4 and you still see some around in surprisingly good nick.  Glad you mentioned cars for I dreamt last night that a friend in England persuaded me to buy a 2CV for £27,000!  It's no secret that I'm looking for one but that wasn't quite the figure I had in mind.  Dreamt the other night that I was sitting on a friend's lawn in the Lot & Garonne listening to Dominique de Villepin reading his poems.  But I'm going a bit off the thread...

Incidentally, SB, I do admire your courage in mentioning the, ahem, other matter.  I remember having sleepless nights after accidentally admitting here to a spot of the old travail noir and lived in fear of hate mail for days.


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