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Complete France Forum

Radio Stations

The Riff-Raff Element

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Right, we are all ADSLed up and cooking on gas! What I am now looking for is a half-decent radio station to listen to online. Out here in the boonies we have only a limited choice of music radio - Alouette, RTL, Europe 2 being the reliable ones in terms of reception. Three stations wouldn't be bad if they didn't have very short playlists and (at least in the case of "Arthur et les Pirates" on Europe 2 in the afternoons) DJs who would benefit from being garrotted; preferably live on air.

At the moment I am listening to Radio Wave FM out of Windhoek ( The music is pretty good, but the news bulletins are somewhat less than relevent to the South Vendée, and I cannot help feeling that their main sponsor "Popeye Pizza" is unlikely to deliver this far.

There must be at least one good French radio station that broadcasts online - I've been told that there are plenty in Paris that are good, but thus far I have found none. Anyone got any ideas? Recieved with gratitude.
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Domy, permets que je te tutoies ? Suis rudement content que tu aies atteri sur ce forum car ça fait plusieurs semaines que j'espérais voir arriver un(e) successeur Français(e) pour, ds un avenir hyper proche me relever de mes 'fonctions', pour parler pompeusement, étant professionnellement débordé, maritalement en bisbille, familialement pas franchement en odeur de sainteté, etc. (c'est une longue histoire) et que, ça m'faisait un peu d' peine de laisser en plan mes qqes compagnons et gnones ici. Ta mission en gros (et accepte-la merde), serait d'être une sorte de lien culturello-informatif entre le monde Britannico-anglophone et le monde Francophone, mondes que, je n'en doute pas, tu connais très bien et auxquels tu t'intéresses à l'évidence puisque tu es là (et fais pas le con, te barre pas maintenant, c'est pas le moment). Ce forum jouit d'un rayonnement énorme (planétaire et bien au-delà) et a vraiment besoin de gens comme toi pr de multiples raisons et tu verras, y'a plein de gens sympas ici. J'vois que, déjà, tu distilles de très bons conseils médiatico-culturels et suis sûr que tu t' sentiras bien ici. Domy, la France et l'Angleterre comptent sur toi, au moins ici en ce lieu, cet endroit même qui est bien + important pour faire connaître la France que ttes les missions Françaises à l'étranger. Ici, ça déconne mais c'est du sérieux vieux.

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[quote]Right, we are all ADSLed up and cooking on gas! What I am now looking for is a half-decent radio station to listen to online. Out here in the boonies we have only a limited choice of music radio - Alo...[/quote]

My wife Natasha is an addict of Nostalgie . . . so's her dad!


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[quote]How helpful is it for an entire posting to be in French - I would imagine many just skipped it - Domy any chance of a translation - or was it not worth the effort James[/quote]

A translation??

Domy, can I address you as tu?  This forum enjoys an enormous readership planetary and well beyond and needs people like you, so  you can be the cultural exchange between the French and the English  I am sure that you will smell yourself and distill yourself well ( like a fine cognac??)

Domy, France and England count on you, it is most important to tell people about France and its missions abroad. but I talk cock although I am a serious old man


Translation thanks to http://dictionary.reference.com/translate/text.html?lp=zh_en&r=0


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