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Re: the disagreements

On forums as in life people will always disagree about some things and on occasions will say so. How they say it may depend on their mood, how strongly they disagree, etc. Disagreements are part of life and are bound to happen.

I for one hope that this forum remains such that people can express how they feel (with normal’ish and reasonable social constraints). There is another French Forum where everybody spends all their time being “ever so nice to each other”. In fact, say something negative (unless you are once of the “inner circle”) and you’re out.

LF does have some strong comments on occasions (I’ve probably made some). But so does life. Please let’s now become like another “over censored” forum where posts are mysteriously edited/deleted/meaning changed/etc.


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Not cliquey Deimos, you should live where I live then. Very cliquey, I just used to ignore the cliques and get stuck in.

The greatest example was the primary school library. One could give ones time and assist by invitation only. Only I wanted to help and a determined TU will be bold, have her way and I started helping. And then I got into the position of opening it to all parents to help.

I know I live in the other France, but all France is not the same.



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Anyway, I actually asked somebody about this once and it was explained to me that the probable reason is that French are more individualistic and thus do not tend to form such close knit cliques as easily as Brits – which to me confirms the initial post.

Haven't experienced cliqueyness myself here (or in the UK), but have frequently heard French people moan that they don't like so-and-so village/club/school because the people are too cliquey. So there are obviously all sorts out there (surprise, surprise).


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