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New Year


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Whilst i have a general idea of how our French colleagues celebrate New Year, is anyone aware of any specific nuances for the Midi Pyrenees?


We will be in our place next year, and intend to do pretty much what we do every New Year- which is to say, go out for dinner, come back to the house, drink a bit and see the New Year in, then have some fireworks.


The houseowing group have made little impact on our hamlet and it's made little impact on us- a fault, i suspect, of the way we use it. I wondered about inviting everyone round for after the bells- with a wee note about first footing, but I suspect it would be a waste of time, because of the big meal, yes?


Any thoughts or advice welcome.

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I think you're right about the big meal getting in the way, Betmont. My experience of New Year spent with French friends is that they haven't even begun the main course by midnight! 

And it's no good inviting them round on 1 Jan for lunchtime New Year's drinks either, as they will have been up just about all  night, and so keeping their heads down till well into the afternoon...


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Hi Betmont

I suspect you may be cooking your own dinner too if you wish to be back home before midnight.  Round here - Dept 82 Midi Pyrenees - the restaurants all have New Year specials.  This year we went to local hotel for dinner, arrived 8.30ish for 7 course dinner, still eating at 1.30 am and at 3.00 am 'les anglais' retired defeated whilst the remainder of the the village carried on partying.  Ashamed to say the only people who went home before us were in their 90s!!    However, if you get in training now you'll probably be able to keep up the pace by next New Year.[:D]



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