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Just arrived - what do I need to do next?


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My husband & I have just moved to Calvi in Corsica - my husband was offered a good job here & in just 3 weeks we packed up & moved. Having lived in other European countries before (Italy, Spain & England - my husband is Italian so England was a new country for him) we have some idea of what we need to do but I was just wondering if anyone could just talk me through the process here in France so I can be sure to get things right.

For example, health cover. My husband is working so he'll be covered by his employer & I'll be covered as his non-working wife (or so they tell us). Have people found this to be the case & what does this cover exactly. What about optitians/dentists - is it a good idea or even possible to get insurance to cover these?

I'm also wondering what we have to do about residency. Do we need to register where we live? We've tried asking but have been told we can't apply until we've been living here for several years but I think that maybe people are getting confused with citizenship.

It's all a little confusing & my French isn't as good as it should be so any help will be very much appreciated.

Thanks very much in advance

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The state health service in France is indeed much more complicated that the UK!  Yes, you and your o/h should be covered by his employment scheme.  However, one only gets around 70% of the costs back from the state so insurance cover is certainly recommended, although by no means obligatory, to cover the rest.

Although our website (link below) is largely aimed at those who do not work, I think you'll find it answers most of your questions.  Take a look at the "newcomers" and "insurance" sections.  It's voluntary, so we have no particular axe to grind, and no commercial interest.

Yes, residence and citizenship are indeed different things and I think your sources have got them mixed up also.  Once again, our website has most of the info' you need (see "residency") but as you work you shouldn't find this a problem at all.  In effect, the day you move, you're a resident. and liable for taxes etc from that date but if there are any tax liabilities to sort out, you won't have to worry about this until this time next year.

The only other thing that I would think about at this juncture is your transprt.  If you have brought a UK reg car with you, you have a month to get it registered here.  See the FAQs in the Driving section for details.

Bien venue to the forum and to France.[:)]

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some  of  the  bigger  companies  participate  in  the  xtra  health  care  cover  and  take  your  part  of  the  contribution  towards  it 

from  the  monthly  pay.   if  they  do  not  do  this  could  your  husband  ask  colleagues  which  company  they  use.   look  some 

posts  up  as  a 100  percent  cover   gives  poor  minimum  cover.





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Thank you very much. I've had a quick look at the website & it's very interesting. I'll have a better look this evening. It doesn't look as bad as I'd been expecting - I think living in Italy & Spain has prepared me for many of the bureacrati problems France can throw my way!! I hope so at least!!

Thanks again

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