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A couple of weeks ago we were in a restaurant in Paris and, sitting near us, was a young woman dressed in the strangest black outfit with silver lace trim, hair fashioned into medusa like curls, black makeup and 6 inch high patent platform shoes; even her hanky was scarlet with black lace trim.  The whole lot must have taken ages to put on and cost a bomb.  A friend later told us that this was a Goth.

Now I've had chance to have a quick search on the internet I can see this is pretty commonplace in the UK.  The person we saw was not French, do they exist in France?  Round here I have never seen anything remotely like it.


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Sure do, my daughter has one in her class. She always looks as though she should be going to a funeral. Looks even more downtrodden than the rest of the kids, with their dark pants,dark hooded tops and black jackets....... and thats only the girls! .think SB did a thread on this drab dressing some while back.
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[quote user="Opas"] .think SB did a thread on this drab dressing some while back.[/quote]

Thanks, I'll have a hunt,  search didn't reveal much.  But the person I saw was not drab although all in black, apart from the silver lace and scarlet hanky.  She was quite spectacular and what she had on was much classsier than your average teen would wear.


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There was a colony in Rye on the South coast of England about 20 years ago.  Yonks ago I remember asking a French Punk in a super market in Place d'Italie the differance apart form the price between red and yellow label Cointreau. Ended up with about a dozen French peopleof all ages and classes agreeing that it was marketing and about three france a bottle.   
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Went to a local restaurant last weekend with sons 1 & 3 and partners and there was a Goth concert going on in the same building. Sons amused themselves hugely by shouting 'smile' at passing visions in black. Never seen such a mournful crowd in my life.

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Loadsa chavs about. They seem to be called something  that sounds very like plook which amuses me as it’s the Scots word for zit. Buy a copy of  ‘Passion Rottweiler’ to see them pictured with their pride and joys. Also to be seen hanging out in scrapyards and second hand tyre outlets. Beware of even the most rural post office on the equivalent of giro day when you can’t get parked for 20 year old BMWs nor get to the counter past the sea of tracksuits.

Loadsa goths too but harder to spot. Many are part-timers and the career goths are not often abroad in daylight. However get the time and place right like when Chumbawamba played Bourges last year and you will wonder where they all came from.

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