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any one in cornwall who wants to spek french


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Hello  Im in the middle of bying a house in france, (Montage Noir) We get the keys in August but it feels hundreds of years away,  while out there i realised how bad my french is. I live in Cornwall (launceston) and wondered if any one out there lives close enough to meet for coffee once in a while to spend some time chatting in french so we can help each other, Im just a normal 45year old woman, (so no nutters please!!!!)  many thanks Pads 
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Hello pads,

   That sound's like a good idea. At what level would you say your French is at? I know it's difficult to guage, at home I don't think I'm so bad. I have great conversations with myself in my head but the minute I open my mouth it all goes horribly wrong. I too struggle when in France. They speak soooo fast.

I am in Cornwall aswell, about 15 miles from you.


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I can just get away with ordering my food and coffee and saying hello to every one and hope i have fooled them.

I can count to ten, and know a few colours, I have just got back from carcassonne, and while i was there i managed to open a internet bank account with a bank person who spoke no english and I think all went except I havnt received any passwords yet to actully look at my account but im assuming my money is safe........., I also brought a house and dealt with a notaire,(although the estate agent did most of the talking there, I just smiled a lot) I would be happy if i could just talk a little to my new neighbours and keep my self fed while im out there, I have been teaching myself out of a book for ages but dont know how to say the words as i havnt heard them spoken, but i can read a bit>>>

What kind of level are you at? where do you live? (I am about 10 miles north of launceston towards Boscastle )  do you have a place in france? where? are you F/M ? and where shall we meet for a coffee? (oh and Im nosey... No not really)  hope to speak soon regards pads

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I am having problems sending you a PM.You might have received several blank PM's, that might have been me trying. I can type in the 'subject' but can't seem to get in the box to write a message. I've never written a PM before as I'm quite new to this. Bear with me I will keep trying.

Anyway, I can answer a few of your questions. I am female, late thirties and live about 15 miles south of Lauceston. (Used to go to school there, St Joseph's Convent!!). We bought a plot of land last September near Civray, south Vienne, to build a house.

My level of French is perhaps a little further on than you. Like  you, started teaching myself out of a book, but found I wasn't disciplined enough, I would do 2 hours every night for three weeks, then not look at it again for 4 months. This went on for about 3 years!! So I decided to do a course ran by the Adult Education. I studied GCSE French, started September 2004, took the exam (extremely nerve racking) in June 2005 and achieved A*. When I started that course my level of French was similar to yours now and thought that I would never cope with learning so much so quickly, school children have 2 years to do what  I had to do in 12 month's ( because it's funded ), so quite intense but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a class of 6 ladies ( I was the youngest). Then in September '05 until April '06 I did another adult course called Le Cercle Français Stage 5, happened to be the most advanced, they went from 1-5, and were only running 1,3,and 5 that year and after talking with my GCSE teacher (who by the way was /is a first class teacher and was also doing this course) said Stage 3 would be similar to the GCSE and thought I would cope with Stage 5 but not without a challenge. And she was right, I found it quite hard,discussing some subjects I knew little about in English let alone in French. It, in my opinion, didn't really improve my speaking but it did improve immensly my listening skills, so some good came out of it. I would have prefered to have done Stage 4 but it was not available that particular year, maybe September coming it might be as they did Stage 3 last year it would make sense to continue with Stage 4. Also this September I'm doing A-Level French with the same Adult Education, again same teacher and can't wait. I seem to learn quite well under that sort of structure which doesn't suit everyone. There sometimes some Conversation Classes, I've not been but I believe you meet and chat (in French).

   If your interested in something like that here's the web address, it list all the courses in Cornwall: www.cornwall-adulteducation.co.uk  Once there, click on the area that would suit you and enter 'french' in Course Search box and then click 'submit'. They will most likely be the current years' but Septembers' will be updated mid to end July. You can enroll on line too, and not that expensive.

  As for meeting for coffee, let me give it some more thought.


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Many thanks for all your advice/ideas i must admit i have been trying to put off going back to any class room, but i know thats what I have to do. I just learn much better when Im just doing it rather than being told how to do it, if that makes sence. trouble is i work nights, and do voluntry work and my garden in the day, plus looking after all my animals, that these classes just dont happen in the times I can do (thats my jolly good excuse and im sticking to it) so i guess its buy a c.d. and stick it on my i pod while i sleep, i hear that works ....................Still only 3 months and I will be out there again putting it into pratise. lots of luck to you. 
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Hello pads

I used to live in Callington but now I live in France in the Tarn & Garonne not so far from your new home.  Also have 2 dalmatians so reckon we have plenty in common.  Not much use to you at the moment, but I do speak fluent French so if when you arrive you need a helping hand with the translation  (or telephone call to connect an essential something or other) feel free to give me a call and I'll do my best to help.  Once you're here you will be able to learn if you put your mind to it.  My other half had no French on arrival 4 years ago and now works for a French company - he went to college here and made a real effort to join things, plus we do not have English television or papers.  Sounds cruel but I cancelled his English classic car magazine and made him get a French one instead.  It worked - he now speaks French if not fluently certainly well enough for most situations.  He did not even learn French at school - and was the same age as you when he arrived here, so it can be done. 

Keep smiling and keep practising.


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hello maggi many thanks for your message, thats kind of you , I may well take you up on that . Your right I do find each time i go out to france i come back with a few more words in my volcabuary, this time it was ''degustation'' after we did the deal on our house we visited a few places with our last few days to celebrate. Ha, well if you have 2 dalmatians you must have a very good sence of humour, mine is like a walking cartoon strip, she makes me laugh all day. Do you know, do dogs have to wear muzzels in public in france? I never did french at school either (german for some reason) Do you speak french to each other at home on your own , and do you dream in french? I was just wondering......... speak again soon I hope
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No pads dalmatians don't need to wear muzzles (there are a few breeds who do)  They are not terribly well known as a breed here - and yes they are very funny.  Mine think they own the B & B and are quite gracious to their guests[:)]

We speak French at home if we have French friends or neighbours in and when we have French clients.   I think it would be rude to expect them to speak English, though occasionally we have some who want to. On our own, no, we usually speak English.  I do dream in French sometimes and talk to myself in French - wondered why people keep staring at me[geek]  I find I muddle the languages up and often talk a sort of garbled franglais at home.  Radio always on in the car though in French - that is good for listening - you won't understand to start with, then suddenly you find yourself answering the radio quiz questions and realise you have understood.  While you are stil in Uk force yourself to read French magazines (if there aren't any in the local shop W H Smith will order them for you) and get DVDs to watch in French or with subtitles.

Are you 'retiring' to France or will you work there?



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we hav'nt quite decided what we are doing at the moment, if it was down to me we would of moved out 20 years ago, we are going to start out using it as a holiday home, as our main worry at the moment is getting into the strange world of french taxes. my husband can acually live anywhere as when he works he goes away fom home anyhow, so it dosnt matter where we live, I do have a job but, as im jack of all trades im happy to go any where any time, but we want to spend some time getting to understand the laws and taxes before we make that final jump, another thing that worries us is the inheritance laws , we dont have any human children, and im loathed to leave my home to niece's and newphews i dont even know, especially while one of us is still alive and they end up kicking us out. so while we are out there in august to sign the final contracts on the house we need to see what we can do about the will, I understand you can have a communaute universelle, which means you are joint owners instead of husband/ wife owners, but other people say you cant do this as its looked on as tax avoidance!!!! so we have a lot to find out, plus income tax is a lot higher out there so it looks as if its a holiday home until hubby stops work, but i dream of my little b/b one day.............

My other dog is a german shepheard so i guess he will need a muzzel? he has never had to wear one and becomes a bucking bronco if we go any where near him with one, so i dont know what is going to happen when we try to get him though cutoms should be great fun I think. But my little girl (balloo)will be on her best behavour, as long as there a biscuit in it for her, although she will do her utmost to wind Tigue up as she is a little strirrer . In fact she has just stolen tigues chew after eating her own, is streched out in the sun on the sofa in the conseravtory, moaning at him every time he trys to get his chew back, and as he is a hen pecked husband he is to scared to snatch it off her which he could do as he is twice the size of her, so i guess i will have to go and save him again, poor lad. do yours steal? I cant leave a sandwhich unattended for 2 seconds before it has gone. then when you come back in she is actually staring at tigue and if she could talk she would be blaming him, but we know he wouldnt do anything like that, although he always looks guilty, i can go on forever about my dogs so i shut up now.and get back to my teach your self french c.d.

do you work out there? if so are you self employed? do you know anything about self employed taxes? we had planned to live in france while renting this house out, that would of covered my wages while hubby carried on with his work but it looks like if we do it that way we have to pay tax on both side (twice) which seems a rip off but we have to find out for sure then we will know what we are doing. stilll one day...........

take care speak soon i hope    

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You might want to take a look in 'Legal Issues In France', where there is a topic being discussed 'Why we are NOT buying in France' posted by Phil the Francophile. Not to put you off but there is some very useful information being given. Might be worth taking a look.

It's something my husband and I didn't even discuss (inheritance laws) and I'm concerned that we didn't have anything prepared before we bought. Very neive.


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yes I have been having a good read on that site but i think some people have axes to grind and others just seem to make it up as they go alone, so im going to wait till we speak to our notaire and see where we stand , as we get older ifwe have to we could always sell the house and end our years renting, Just as long as the one of us that is left is covered that is all that matters but that is a long time away yet and we have a lot of living to do first and who knows in 10 years time we might want to live in outer mongolia so dose it all matter really? did you say you lived near the mon: noir are you high(climate wise) I was just wondering how the veggies grow that high up? do you get a good long season?    

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Of course it is better to seek professional advice and everybody's situation is different, so better to hear from the horses mouth. I actually live in Cornwall and have a plot of land near Civray unless it was Cerise you were answering. I also thought, well, if one of our health's starts to fail, sell up and move back to England, but it's when it's a sudden unforeseen death that catches you that you have to be prepared for, God forbid.


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sorry yes I did get you both mixed up there ...........but im awake now..

I have come to the conclusion if you sit on the wall for to long worring about what might happen you will never do anything.

How is the build going have you started yet? can you go over for holidays and camp there? I dont know the area where you are whats it like ? have you been to carcassonne which is our nearest big town? its loverly also it has the canal du midi we love canals we lived up north for eight years on a narrowboat about 9 years ago, and i havnt run this past my husband yet but im thinking we buy a narrow boat live on it in the summer, and rent our house out, we will be near enough to do the change over and look after it, rent out the house here with an agentcy this way we could earn enough to live though the winter, do you think he will fall for it..................? sounds like a good idea to me, mind you im on my 3rd beer at the mo and ideas always seem good after the 3rd one........... speak soon

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Hi pads,

   My apologies for not sending a PM, haven't had time (four kids, own a pub etc.). We haven't started building yet, haven't even drawn plans, husband is a carpenter and builder (during the day) and is trying to get round to drawing them.

    Yes, we do go there, we've only had one holiday there, the month or so after we signed (Sept/Oct). We are or should I say will be in the summer surounded with sunflowers and sweetcorn, which I love. We seem in the middle of nowhere but a 5 minute drive to Savigné and Civray, two quite nice places, the countryside is gentle.

   I am a little familiar with Carcasonne, have driven past it on the motorway to the south many times, a place I'd love to visit. Several family members have visited.

   What a great adventure, my husband once suggested that for the future, but I'm a bit reserved as we know nothing about sailing.

   It scares me to up sticks and move 100% to France but happy to have holiday/retirement home. I feel I don't know enough of the language to take the plunge full time but I admire those who do because I feel I could and would miss out on a very rich experience.


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Yes living on a boat was fantastic, we would of brought it down here if there had of been any canals, you dont need to know anything about sailing really, as canals only go one way or the other, its alot like driving but a lot slower, you should hire one and have a go, I really wanted to move out now and after reading up on taxes and every thing else we have decided to wait, but i intend to spend very long holidays, I have been talking to my work personnel manager and he has said that he would be happy for me to take upto 4 months off each year and still keep my job open, i will only be paid for my normal 5 weeks holiday and the rest taken unpaid but that is really good of him. and it would give us a great chance to find out about everything we need to know, I couldnt go out there for ever and not work though, as i like to earn my own money and have a bit of independance, I would love to do a little bed and breakfast, but i dont know if our house would be suitable but it is something to think about.

D o you have a time scale for getting your house built, or is it a on going project........ I dont know how you find any time. running a pub, I managed one one for a year and it nearly killed me(bl....y hard work) and 4 kids too. you must have the patience of a saint... have you been teaching them french, it is great for kids to be bilingal. 

I love the sunflower fields as well, I grow just a few here each year and they always remind me of france.  speak soon dont work to hard........

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[quote user="pads"]

sorry yes I did get you both mixed up there ...........but im awake now..

I have come to the conclusion if you sit on the wall for to long worring about what might happen you will never do anything.

How is the build going have you started yet? can you go over for holidays and camp there? I dont know the area where you are whats it like ? have you been to carcassonne which is our nearest big town? its loverly also it has the canal du midi we love canals we lived up north for eight years on a narrowboat about 9 years ago, and i havnt run this past my husband yet but im thinking we buy a narrow boat live on it in the summer, and rent our house out, we will be near enough to do the change over and look after it, rent out the house here with an agentcy this way we could earn enough to live though the winter, do you think he will fall for it..................? sounds like a good idea to me, mind you im on my 3rd beer at the mo and ideas always seem good after the 3rd one........... speak soon


When will you be goin' Pads - Dreckly?[:)]

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Hello Turnip

did you recevice my pm the other day?

We are going out in august again to do the last bit of signing and get our keys. Its all very exciting i cant wait. have you decided what area you are going to look at yet, I can highly reconmend the carcassonne area its loverly, When are you going out again ............ regards

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