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Complete France Forum

La Musique Folklorique - Sarthe


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I see from a certain other forum that some people are wanting to run an English-style folk club near us in France, and they seem to be getting some support.

I sometimes wonder just why I went to France...

There seem to be plenty of local traditional music and dance associations in France (though they probably take themselves and their interests rather too seriously for my taste), but thankfully few 'folk clubs'. Posters in the boulangerie sem to be the best way of finding out what's around in the area.

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Cassis, I hope Cooperlola isn't after an English folk club, though he (presumably a he, but I'm not sure, remembering the Ray Davies song about Lola...) did ask for the French equivalent.

I think about the only good French traditional music I have heard outside Brittany has been in England anyway, I remember seeing Rosbif in a pub in Sussex - does that ring any bells? Now I'm off on a journey into my distant past, which the OP's username and avatar hasn't helped avert, having had a little dabble in motor sport as well as folk music.

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Can't imagine the connection!  I first came to this region in the eighties for the 24 Heures, the year it chucked it down (not unique!) and the McLarens won, and I was hooked from then on, coming back every year without fail.  Ah, Camping Houx and Parking Bleu, how you have changed over the years!

Naturally, since moving here I haven't seen a single thing - except lots of nice motors and bikes staying here for the races.

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Will - did you drive with your finger in your ear?

I've never heard any genuine Norman folk music - can anyone aim me at some I can achieve easily?


Could be stretching a point but try this:


The Sarthe is, of course, in the Pays de la Loire - but as we are so close to Alençon (capital of the Orne, in Normandy) and hardly anyone ever does a Google search for the Sarthe, we decided to move our bit of the Sarthe into Normandy for advertising purposes.

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