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Quizz about France.


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We are a group of French students working on an essay about “how is France seen trough the press”. Some magazines are specifically talking about France. Please answer even if you don’t know those magazines. That would be nice if you could take five minutes to answer it.

Thanks a lot

About you:





What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)?

Main questions of the quizz:

Have you ever been to France?

What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France?

Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)?

When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country?

Do you think France is like those Photos?


What is your favourite thing about France?

If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming?


Best regards.
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OK I admit it - 48 and one month.  The one month is very important.


Male (as shown in the avatar)


British (Geordie)


Officially early retired but seem to spend a lot of time doing B&B

What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)?

: Pro

Have you ever been to France?

Yes, I live here now

What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you hear someone mention France?


Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)? Yes - e.g. Living France

When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country?

Almost anywhere except Paris.

Do you think France is like those Photos?

http://dryosia.free.fr/tpe They are like the bits you see on holiday and in magazines about France.  Not the whole story.

What is your favourite thing about France?

The forests and space away from other people

If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming? Incredibly welcoming and friendly.

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About you:

Age 45

Gender  Female

Nationality  British

Job:  None/Retired

What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)?  Love/Hate

Have you ever been to France?  I live here

What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France?  Home

Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)?

Yes, Living France Magazine. I used to read it but haven't done since I came to live here.

When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country? I've hardly ever been to Paris, because I don't really like big cities.

Do you think France is like those Photos?

Those look like the kind of photographs you find in Magazines or Tourist Brochures. They aren't 'false' but they represent a tiny part of France. I see more modern houses than scenes like that (but they are surrounded by lovely country-side).

What is your favourite thing about France?  Because I live in the country-side, my favourite thing is the tranquility. I would not have been able to pay the money this would have cost in England.

If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming?  Yes, very. People were a little confused or even suspicious of us when we first came to live ehre, but only one person has ever been hostile.


You should call this a questionnaire rather than a quiz!

If you want to ask me anything else, send me a private message using the 'pm' button at the bottom of my post.

Good luck with your project.

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I'd be interested how the info provided fits into an essay about 'How France is Seen through the Press'.  I assume the "Press" is the British Press?  Are you trying to compare the views of the Press with those of the Man on the Clapham Omnibus (i.e. the public)?

If this is a serious research project, you need to think carefully about your sampling procedures - I don't think that people who inhabit France Forums are representative Brits and are not normal (in the statistical sense) in terms of demographics, attitudes or behaviour. 

Plus I know I'm not normal in any sense.  And I have grave doubts about most of the rest.

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Gender: F 
Nationality: US 
Job: IT

What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)? mostly pro

Have you ever been to France? Yes
What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France? my house and the green countryside around it
Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)? yes
When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country? I rarely think about Paris, mostly think about our area of rural France
Do you think France is like those Photos? only where it's been tarted up for tourists

What is your favourite thing about France? food and wine
If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming? yes

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@cassis: We know that the people on this forum aren't quite representative because of their love of france. But we posted the quizz on other forums. We're trying to collect answers from a lot of different people, because of their nationality (french, english, american...) or something else (anti-france forums.....) We also posted on forums, what have nothing to do with france (computer forum for example).

My english is not perfect and I had some difficulty writing this post, I hope you'll understand what I was trying to mean.

André balanéo
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Age : Pas tout à fait 50.... never ask a lady her age!
Gender : Dame ....
Nationality : Française
Job: Comptable en entreprise au Pays de Galles (c'est pas l'Angleterre!! les Gallois vous pendraient si vous les qualifiez Anglais!!)
What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)? Pro bien sûr!

Main questions of the quizz:

Have you ever been to France? Toute ma vie jusque vers 18/20 et au moins 2 fois par an pour visiter mes amis et ma famille

What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you hear France?  Ma famille, mes amis, le climat plus clément qu'au Pays de Galles,

Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)? Oui, 'Living France' et 'Total France' and their own websites.

When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country? Seulement les endroits où mes amis et ma famille habitent : Le Poitou, le Limousin, la Savoie, l'Auvergne et Paris. Les autres régions seulement comme idée pour aller passer des vacances avec ma famille britannique où ma famille française viendrait nous joindre.

Do you think France is like those Photos? je reviendrais sur ce sujet....

What is your favourite thing about France?  Les gens, leur chaleur, leur insouciance, leur ténacité attachée au terroir, les couleurs du ciel, les marchés, les petits magasins de quartier et de village....

If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming? Très...

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Hi Andre,

Here's some more data for you.


Age: 56 years + 14 days (sporty)  21 at heart!

Gender: Male

Nationality: British (Yorkie)

Job:  Self Employed, that bits easy. What do I do well for 24 years I was an Independent Financial Adviser until last year and now I am an Introducer.  I have a client base of 600+ and I now have a new business which I started last year. I sort out peoples personal papers and financial matters and help them file in an orderly manner. In addition I have created a "Finance Directory" for quick and easy reference and also in the event of bereavement to help those dealing with the estate to help them find the "needle in the haystack".

Business based in UK.Not yet started in France.

I'm told it is classified as document management!!

What is my position about France? Very Pro

Have you ever been to France?  Yes live there partly and partly in UK with business interests.

Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France? Yes Living France

When you think of France, do you only think about Paris or the entire Country?  The entire country

Do you think France is like those photos? Yes and better

What is my favourite thing about France?  The countryside, better weather, less traffic on roads, pace of life, more relaxed, opportunities to do things that I never had time when in the UK ie Fishing & Tennis 

If you have already been, did you find the french welcoming?  Yes as long as you make an effort to try and speak their language and to get involved with local events.

Comments.  Love it in France, so pleased to have made the move.

Hope you get more responses to your questionnaire.


David J

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Age   65
Gender  Male
Nationality  Welsh
Job: Retired
What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)?  Pro (which is why I'm here)

Main questions of the quizz:

Have you ever been to France? Yes, 10 or 12 visits at least before moving here
What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France? Food, wine, and space.
Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)? Living France
When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country? Love Paris for two days at a time, but Paris is not France!
Do you think France is like those Photos? Yes, sometimes.

What is your favourite thing about France? France!
If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming? Yes, without question (even the assistants in the grands magasins of Paris.
Comments Je suis bien habitué, un peu integré, et trés heureux.

(RH: Hope this erases my black mark! XX)

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Age.  60 years
Gender. Male
Nationality. British 
Job: Artisan
What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)? Neutral

Main questions of the quizz:

Have you ever been to France?  I have lived here for more than eleven years.
What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France? Restrictive.
Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)? Yes, Living France, but I have never read any.
When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country? The entire Country.
Do you think France is like those Photos? .
http://dryosia.free.fr/tpe I think that they represent an image that is not always the reality

What is your favourite thing about France? The wildlife and countryside.
If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming? Usually yes, but often "distant"
Comments. France has a lot to offer, but it should honour its commitments, only too often it signs agreements and then fails to deliver and is frankly too protectionist in my opinion.

A slightly different view, Chris

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  • 2 weeks later...


39 years 354 days (not that I'm counting or anything)





Job: Self Employed (Accomodation buisness)

What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)?


Main questions of the quizz:

Have you ever been to France?

I live here

What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France?


Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)?

I've heard of them, but I've never bought one.[:$]

When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country?

The countryside - Paris is another nation, as London is to the UK.

Do you think France is like those Photos?

Only partly


What is your favourite thing about France? The pace of life, for me anyway.

If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming? Extremely.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Age               51
Gender          Female   
Nationality     British (Scottish) 
Job:               Retired 
What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)?  Pro

Main questions of the quizz:

Have you ever been to France?     Yes
What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France?       Ricard, wine, farmers' markets, and complicated beaurocracy.
Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)?    Yes, Living France and French News.
When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country?    The entire country, or at least the parts I've visited.
Do you think France is like those Photos?
http://dryosia.free.fr/tpe          In some ways, for example, if you've only been a tourist in France, these might be the sort of images that would come to mind.  If you live here, not quite so much.

What is your favourite thing about France?     Several things, including quiet countryside walks, café culture, markets, the expressiveness of the french people, the french language, good inexpensive wine.
If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming?    Very, and even more so when we showed willing to get involved in local events and to join local organisations.
Comments    After having lived in France for five and a half years, we are moving on and will be living in England fairly soon.  However, we have thoroughly enjoyed living in rural France and will always remember our time here with great fondness.  We will continue to come to France as tourists as often as we can. 

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Gender  female
Nationality  English
Job: Semi retired
What is your position about France (Pro, Anti, No opinion)?  Pro

Main questions of the quiz: 

Have you ever been to France? I live here
What’s the first thing coming to your mind when you heard France? OK I'm game
Have you ever heard of a specialized magazine about France (France magazine, France, French…..)? Living France
When you think about France, do you only think about Paris or the entire country? Love Paris for two days at a time, but Paris is not France! Sorry Valleyboy pinched this answer [:)]
Do you think France is like those Photos? Yes, sometimes. (pinched again really sorry Valleyboy )

What is your favourite thing about France? France! (
If you have already been, did you find the French welcoming? Yes, they are people like us just with a different language and once that barrier is broken..

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