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Is this a fair assessent of Madame Royal?


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When she won the nomination, I predicted that "the boys" would get her.  By that I meant that she would be proven, by the media, the men in her party, the men in other parties, to be a flake, a lightweight, not capable of running the world, not tough enough.  The French say they are ready for a woman president(e), but actuallly the "elephants" in power are not.

I have never read a word of anything whatsoever like the suspension of Francois Hollande, the father of her children and head of her party.  This is complete nonsense. 

She has also made some "blunders", or rather she has spoken her mind when she should maybe have spoken the "collective mind of her party".  I rather like it when she does.  Everyone knows Corsica is a pain in the bum, and she happened to say it.  Everyone also knows the USA is behaving like dodos, and she said it.  The differenece between her and Sarkozy is that she seems to not get away with being a little bit outspoken.  I blame that on the boys (which of course includes some women).  At the moment, things do look bad for her, but its still nearly three months to the elections.  A lot can happen.  Public opinion is changeable. 

The only truly interesting candidate willl be Jose Bove.  If he gets double figures then the world will have moved a bit.  Otherwise, its Sarkozy for France.  Then you'll start to hear some comments by Brits and French.  I think he is very dangerous and skilful politician.  But it is fair to say Segolene is, at the moment, looking for a way forward, how to get that 25% or so that will take her into the second round. 

Incidentally, there is only one correct way to pronounce her name, in French.  These BBC guys are a gas.  But the newscasters will no doubt be briefed.  Get that gutteral R going.  Although what to they do with Chirac.

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 I have never read a word of anything whatsoever like the suspension of Francois Hollande, the father of her children and head of her party.  This is complete nonsense. 

No its not nonsense. Sego's head of PR Arnaud Montebourg made a comment on Canal+ saying  that  « Ségolène Royal n'a qu'un seul défaut, c'est son compagnon »,

Not surprising that he was later sort of suspended for a month. Francois said it was meant as a joke........


The Guignols have been having a field day.



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I think you are likely to ge a better assessment from the BBC than from most French media. She has certainly made some cock-ups, but in comparison with other French politicians these 'ne sont pas graves' . Bear in mind that this is a country where the equivalents of cash for questions and cash for honours, or of Prince Philip's best foot-in-mouth moments are all part of normal political life.
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