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Customs in Normandy and Brittany


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I'm planning a 2-week trip to Brittany and Normandy. Are there any customs and traditions I should be aware of? Also, are there any specific places around which I should plan my sightseeing tour?


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Yes Speak English very slowly andd loudly and you will be alright[:P]

For goodness sake anyone would think you are planning a trip up the Bongo Bongo river where you must hand over your wife  and daughters to the Tribal chiefs before eating.

Try a google on Brittany/ Normandy tourist offices for a selection of places to visit. 

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The natives really appreciate it if you speak to them in slow English.

Drive on the left like you always do - the Gendarmes are extremely understanding about that sort of thing.

Always go to restaurants for lunch at 1:55 - you will get a warm welcome and a huge discount.

Staff in Boulangeries are always prepared to haggle over prices. Learn the Norman phrase "Auw mush eez eet? Non. Zat ees trop expensif, mon brave. Eez zat yower bess pries?"

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Do try some 'Far Breton'  It's like a big solid custard tart with plums in it.  Ok that's not a good description but it is brilliant.

For places to go, you might like the cote d'amour right at the north of Brittany around Perroz Guirec. Wonderful scenery, all pink granite and lots of villages where old traditions get carried on. I got dragged into a big communal circle dance once, well I say dance, it was more like shuffle-shuffle-shuffle-HOP.  Good fun though.

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