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Will YOU pass the test next month?


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It just occured to me that with the Rugby World Cup just around the corner, I may be in danger of failing "The Tebbit Test"!

Just to recap for non-British or younger readers - in 1990, former Tory MP "Stormin'" Norman Beresford"The Chingford Skinhead" Tebbit - gotta love that guy's name -  suggested that a fair test of an immigrant's loyalty would be whom they supported at cricket. (Not sure what Le Pen's analysis would be)

I have now lived in France longer than I ever lived in Wales, I follow French current affaires/sports/arts/economics etc, in fact my life is very much here, yet when it comes to rugby (France v Wales at cricket is unlikely) I will be cheering for the Welsh (Mae hen wlad fy nhadau)!

How many of you ex-pats pass or fail?

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And good for you Ian.  If a Frenchman moved near me and support Wales above France, I would consider him to be a bit desparate for me to accept him.  Be yourself![:)].

I have looked at your website as I  know and love your area very well as I have visted there for many years. Superb!

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You might like to know that my husband, who is Welsh, but hardly ever actually supports Wales, comes over all patriotic when the rugby is on.  When we lived in Taunton and if the 5- nations or some such was on, and Wales (inevitably in those days) lost, I'd find him crawling about under the TV to see if he could find a replay button that would produce a better result.

Anyway, do you know the REAL version of Mae hen wlad fy nhadau?  It goes something like, "my hen laid a haddock, my right hand laid a flea"  and then the chorus goes, "Dad, dad, why don't you oil Auntie Glad?" and so on.

Sorry if I have spoilt your childhood recollections!  Keep supporting Wales; they need it.

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As a person who was unfortunate enough to have spent 18 months stationed at St Athans near Barry from the age of 16 to 17 1/2  I will be YELLING for FRANCE (sod it, white wouldn't work there!!!). I hated that place and swore that I would never return and I haven't!!! So although I will, and do, support England. No way for Wales<<<
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I have one English great grandparent, three French great grandparents, four Irish ones - allbeit a grandfather was born on a ship in the Bay of Naples and some of the Irish come from Scottish and/or Isle of Man families. Also my mother was born in Wales.

So Tebbit-wise I could support any of the six-nations teams. However I support England at rugby as I have always thought of myself as English. I actually think that England will beat South Africa (the warm-up games, I think, were focused on a 'beat South Africa' gameplan) and will beat the Welsh in the quarter finals. They will not beat the French or All-Blacks this time though.

By the way, Ian, you must be in the running for entrepreneur-of-the-year or marketeer-of-the-year - congratulations.

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Hi Ian!

Love your house - but can't afford it this year[:(] 

I live near you actually.  Have you ever bumped into Hazel 'O Connor who also lives in Durfort?

I will always be the girl in the village who hangs out her big Dragon flag on the front gate whenever Wales are playing rugby.  I have also been known to wear it - high heels and all! on special ocassions[:D]


You can take the girl out of Wales........

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Hi Twinkle,

I have bumped into Hazel and we have shared aperos at a mutual friends house.  If you saw her on "Through the Keyhole" that was her Irish house not her maison Durfortoise - we've not had Lloyd Grossman/Sir David Frost - or whoever presents it these days - here in Durfort. We aren't moving far away: La Janardarie, just t'other side of Soreze.

I'll look out for your flag! (and high-heels!!)

Has anyone gone native and now supports France? A mate of mine from school has come over all New Zealander now that he's lived there for 14 years and supports the All Blacks - can't imagine that happening to me.

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Football world cup last year I went for Australia, France then finally England. I wanted France to win as they obviously had the best players out of the three teams I was following, but I was pleased that Australia did very well to get as far as they did only to be cheated out of it in the final minute by the Italians. I couldn't really bring myself to be passionate about England containing Wayne 'Judas' Rooney, plus the rubbish the English media keep spouting out about anything England related just really turns me off them.

This year for the rugby, I think France and Australia will be my joint first choice.


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[quote user="Gardian"][quote user="TWINKLE"]

whenever Wales are playing rugby.  [/quote]

....... but not in this World Cup shurely?   Thought they hadn't qualified?


Oh Gardian!

You know so much[:)]  Okay - I'll be supporting France then if the boyos aren't involved.


My half brothers were born and bred in Cambridge to Welsh parents and are huge sport fans and have even played rugby and football semi-professionally.  They will always support Wales even if they've never actully lived there themselves.

I've never seen any of the programmes you mentioned - I just heard rumours that Sinead O' Connor was living in Durfort!  The french don't know who Hazel is so they just assumed it must be the famous Irish one[:)]  I heard about it through an acquaintance Sarah who I'm sure you know.

Good luck with the project!

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Wales most certainly ARE involved - don't rise to Gardian's bait Twinkle!

(I do know Sarah - yes. I only lived in Wales for 3 years of my life too - don't particularly consider myself "Welsh" on any other topic really 'cept rugby...or if I'm being deliberately provocative in an argument- certainly I speak French way better than I speak Welsh!)

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I can see that John is still suffering from his Barry Island induced post traumatic stress disorder....or did he have a change of heart and a mischievous French Mod' edited his post to their own agenda????!!?

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NNNNNNNNNNNuffinnnnnnnn ronnnng wivvv mee mateee that a qquuiicck GG&&TT wwoonn''ttt ssoorrtt oouutt?

TTrraauummeer aabboouutt being banned from all the shooting galleries on Barry Island, just because I was in the R.A.F St Athans small bore shooting team and kept sorting out which way a rifle was shooting. Never happen!

To be honest. I can't smell in English so what chance have I got in Franche (my brian cell 'urts)...

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[quote user="Ian"]I can see that John is still suffering from his Barry Island induced post traumatic stress disorder....or did he have a change of heart and a mischievous French Mod' edited his post to their own agenda????!!? [/quote]


I simply helped him to express his true feelings! [;-)]

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