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The paid informer ...


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It seems the Police are a bit short on information as to who fired the shots at them during the last riots in Paris . They are now authorised to pay "A few Thousand Euros " to anonymous informers who write or phone in  and tip them off who shot at them . I hope they get them... but I imagine their mail  will be full of letters from jokers and vindictive so and so's with a grudge and they are going to be busy sorting it all out ...I know every community has a person who lets the Police know about the arrival of strangers etc ...and its been that way for years in France ....It took two years before I got a visit to find out who I was  and what I was doing there so my village informer is a bit slow ..... must not have a phone and gets about with a zimmer frame perhaps ...wonder how much  out of my tax euros goes in the local informer pot ? .......... Is it you and how much are you making ? 

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[quote user="Frederick"]It seems the Police are a bit short on information as to who fired the shots at them during the last riots in Paris . They are now authorised to pay "A few Thousand Euros " to anonymous informers who write or phone in  and tip them off who shot at them...[/quote]

Frederick, can you say where you read this? I have a special interest. No problem if it's in French. I can read French better than I can Google in it[:$]

No one has ever come round out of the blue and checked me out, BTW.[:)]

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Sorry Tresco .......I have not the skills (yet ) to post articled here ...go on line to L' Humanite  dated 17th December 2007 and look under the "Social " section and there you will find an article on the subject .....I wish I could just post the link for you...one day I might just find out how to do it !

 Wooly .........When you get your visit have plenty of coffee ready .....I got three of them all in one hit ....based in Le Mans and posted to the Vendee for the summer .... Nice guys who even told me on the day they called to see me it was St Fredericks  day ..........still dont know if they were taking the P1ss ..........

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But the french aren't all pro-informers. Soon after we came here a neighbour reported us to the police for a misdemeanor. We found out who had done it and spoke to her - she said everyone around had told her she shouldn't have reported us, she was the only one who thought she should. So there's hope for human nature in rural France too.
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[quote user="Frederick"]

...I know every community has a person who lets the Police know about the arrival of strangers etc ...and its been that way for years in France ....It took two years before I got a visit to find out who I was  and what I was doing there so my village informer is a bit slow ..... must not have a phone and gets about with a zimmer frame perhaps ...wonder how much  out of my tax euros goes in the local informer pot ? .......... Is it you and how much are you making ? 


The only visit we have had was just after my firearms were registered to check the security of my weapons storage.

Have you visited the Marie and introduced yourselves ?

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My husband informed that Mairie that we would be bringing out his rifles etc when we moved in properly, to which two burly coppers appeared at the house to have a "chat".    Hubby showed them the secure cabinet he had already installed, bolted to the floor, numerous locks and keys on it, to which the bemused officer said "Pourquoi??".   I guess that they would have been content with the guns propped in the corner of the room instead as th locals might do!.
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We had been here two weeks when we were slightly surprised to see two Gendarmes hanging over our gate...

They asked if OH was working for me (which he was, but not in the way they thought !) and when I explained that he was my partner and renovating our property they asked if we had a construction permit (which we did !) and then I was really surprised when they asked to see it.

They then asked if the Mayor knew we were here (he did).

So, if there is an informant (and I am not convinced there is by the way), ours is pretty well on the ball !!

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Londoneye ....I think you will find that as France is such a huge rural area and  the Gendarmes cant possibly cover everywhere as often as they would like  they are happy to have a local to "chat " to and  find out whats going on...I am not knocking it....  after all we have " Neighbourhood Watch " in the UK  and when I am away from my French home if anybody not known was skulking about I would be delighted if our local Police contact kept his  binocular lenses polished .  I recall finding a guy inside my gates ....when he saw me he asked me if I wanted any work done ...within two days my neighbours knew who he was and where his caravan was parked up .and no doubt so did the Police .
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[quote user="Frederick"]

Wooly .........When you get your visit have plenty of coffee ready .....I got three of them all in one hit ....based in Le Mans and posted to the Vendee for the summer .... Nice guys who even told me on the day they called to see me it was St Fredericks  day ..........still dont know if they were taking the P1ss .......... [/quote]

It wasn't July 18 was it?


Sue [:)]



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[quote user="Frederick"].....blimey....the Gendarmes are issued with the church diary ?   [/quote]

I don't know about that as our neighbour is a pompier. He put me onto the site as it was my OH's birthday last Sunday and OH is called Roger and lo and behold last Sunday was St Roger's day!! The neighbour was intrigued with the coincidence as he knows we don't have Saints days in the same way in the UK - he knows 'cos I told him. So he wondered if OH's parents had chosen the name specially 'cos my OH's dad had a French name and possible French connections. But we have no real idea 'cos OH's dad departed the scene when OH was 18 months and not a peep was heard from his again and OH's mother is dead, so we cannot ask her.


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France has a culture that policies itself. Gendarmes are not really pro-active. It was the same in Spain during the Franco period. Denunciation is also a common form of both revenge and ingratiation. The Gendarmerie relies on information from locals since they do not fraternise themselves and are very separate from communities by design. It is not policing as you know it in the UK. They are part of the military complex and are not a civil service. Neither do they bare any relationship to your average community bobby in Britain. The French don’t really understand our Anglo-Saxon wish for personal privacy with our own affairs. They would likely suspect you have something to hide. Passing on information to the ‘authorities’ is common practice. The postmen are the worst offenders.

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Not sure I understand your point WB. Do you mean policing in Britain has become similar to that of France? i.e.: Under the control of the Ministry of Defence with police officers required to live in compounds, separated from the communities they serve and dependant on paid informers. Or do schoolteachers who read the Guardian act as informers for the government? I am confused as well as quite possibly naïve.

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I mean in the extent to which people lives are controlled and surveyed and the extent to which we have now moved to a top down model for managing society. The whole of Europe seems to have gone this way by the way, with UK plc gleefully falling into line.

And my understanding is that there is no right to personal privacy in UK or anywhere alse.

Guardian reading schoolteachers often wear rose coloured spectacles. Which should confuse you further.

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