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Death of a neighbour


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Could anybody give me some guidance on the proper way to pay one's respects following the death of a neighbour (very elderly who lived with the family).

I am on friendly chatting terms with the family (though not the elderly person ...who I don't know).

Should I give a condolence card?  If so, in person, or popped into the mailbox?  I would really appreciate a French phrase to write in the card, rather than my strangled French.

Many thanks


(PS - I wouldn't expect to be invited to the funeral, but if I was, would it be a terrible snub if I didn't go?  It is near the first anniversary of a deep loss of my own and I would find it very upsetting to attend.)

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IF you are invited and don't feel you can attend you could consider writing this phrase on a sympathy card and posting it through their door.

Nous avons le regret de ne pas pouvoir vous accompagner dans cette douloureuse journée. Vous avez toute notre sympathie et notre soutient.







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Here in the sticks you are not invited - neighbours will tell you where/when the planting will take place, just turn up in the street outside the church. The condolence book will be left outside, copy the sentiments expressed in the line above, sign your name etc and after a couple of weeks you will receive a card from the family thanking you. Should you meet any of the family at any point express concern for the those left behind, much as you would do in England.



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  • 3 weeks later...

We arrived in France yesterday to find a good neighbour had died. They were good friends as well as good neighbours. They visited us in England.

Their house was a holiday home and they weren't married. I don't believe his partner will be allowed back in the home from what neighbours say because of his family. After twenty years together, how sad.

Could I have some suggestions for less formal expressions of the terrible sadness we are feeling? I have bought a card and intend to write a letter, but I would like to be less formal without causing upset.


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   I too yesterday recived some sad news of the death of our neighbours (in France), both husband and wife. We are friendly with their son and his daughter and last week wrote them a letter as we haven't corresponded since last September (apart from New Year cards) and expressed to them that I hope his parents were well. I felt awful when I read the letter and found out they'd both died.

   I'm thinking about phoning him tonight to offer my condolences. Would this be out of place as it maybe a while since they died.

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