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Sarkozy and the voodoo doll !


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It appears Sarkozy is about to bring an action against the publishing company who issued a doll of him and a "Voodoo Manual " instructing people where to stick the pins ! ......dont  know how he is going to prove he suffered from it ...  Got a pain in the arse M'lud ?  Who else would you line up for a voodoo of  doll then ?

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Yes, but where does it end?  Will the French version of Spitting Image be the next for sanctions http://images.google.fr/images?hl=fr&resnum=0&q=sarkozy%20guignols&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi ? 

More worryingly, once Sarko wins responsibility for choosing and appointing the heads of France TV (Google la réform de l"audiovisuel public ) how much more control will he want to have over his image, and what we will, or will not, be allowed to see?

EDIT:  evidently I'm not the only person to think this [Www] http://storage.canalblog.com/32/31/60471/31662412.jpg

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Cat ask : Yes, but where does it end?   Do you think that he will have a stamp made with his ugly head on, in the same kind of format to the british stamp where the Queen's head makes it legal tender. Can't imagine half of the french population licking the backside of it [+o(]    

>>More worryingly, once Sarko wins responsibility for choosing and appointing the heads of France TV <<  Isn't that how the big wig at the Beeb gets his job? ... through government ?... 

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[quote user="Missy"] Do you think that he will have a stamp made with his ugly head on, in the same kind of format to the british stamp where the Queen's head makes it legal tender. Can't imagine half of the french population licking the backside of it [+o(] [/quote]


I'm sure he's posed for worse things [:$]


sarkopinupcopy.jpg picture by Catinfrance46

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When I clicked on your "canalblog" site Cat I had a red warning from mcafee site checker about the site...

I didn't get chance to read it all, but they have been know to try to download naughties me thinks?

Edit :- Seems to be OK though when I googled 'storage.canalblog' so perhapse it had a senior moment???[8-)] Just ignore me?

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

When I clicked on your "canalblog" site Cat I had a red warning from mcafee site checker about the site...


Sarkozy doesn't own mcafee as well does he, supervising use of his image by stealth [:-))]

Seriously though, neither Spybot nor Avast were bothered about the site.

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