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Complete France Forum

hoping to learn about france from a penpal?


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J'ai trouve deux correspondants et je parle avec eux regularment pour presque deux moins, en plus j'envoie une carte postal a une amie pour Noel, et je ecrire le tout lettre en francais (avec l'aide de ma professeur).

Aujourd'hui est ma derneire jour a l'alliance francaise et je vais prendre ma certificat, j'espere j'ai bonne notes!!!

I'm really sorry if the french is terrible, also, I still haven't configured my properly keyboard for accents, remember i've learnt french only for three months, i'm still going be practising french for sometime and I hope to join the next level sometime next March.



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[quote user="giddy"]Bonjour,

 remember i've learnt french only for three months, i'm still going be practising french for sometime and I hope to join the next level sometime next March.




That is most impressive. I am sure many people here would be green with envy. Félicitations pour tout ce que tu as appris en trois mois!!! Et bonne chance pour l'avenir.


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For translation, I find this one very good with the facility for each language to be heard as well.  It's quite intelligent too as can read words that aren't in it's dictionary but they can be added to it as well.  The site comes recommended by our French tutor but like all translation sites, it's still not perfect.  I find Babelfish the worst for inacuracy. www.Imtranslator.com

This site is good for making contact with other language users:  www.sharedtalk.com  It's part of "The Rosetta Stone " language group

Both are free


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