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Reveci venir du printemps,


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Reveci venir du printemps,

l'amoureus' et bele saison.

Le courant des eaux

Recherchant le canal d'été s'éclaircit,

Et la mer calme de ces flots

Amollit le triste courroux.

Le canard s'egaye plongeant,

Et se lave coint dedans l'eau;

Et la grue qui fourche son vol,

Retraverse l'air et s'en va.

Le soleil éclaire luisant

D'une plus sereine clairté;

Du nuage l'ombre s'enfuit,

Qui se joue et court et noircit,

Et forêts et champs et coteaux.

Le labeur humain reverdit,

Et le pré découvre ses fleurs.

De Venus le fils Cupidon

l'univers semant de ses traits,

De sa flamme va réchaufer

Animaux qui volent en l'air,

Animaux qui rampent aux champs,

Animaux qui nagent aux eaux.

Ce qui mêmement ne sent pas,

Amoureux se fond de plaisir.

Rions aussi nous et cherchons

Les ébats et jeu du printemps.

Toute chose rit de plaisir

Célébrons la gaye saison.


Here comes spring again,

The season of love and beauty.

The trickling brook thins out

In search of the summer stream,

And the calm sea

Soothes away gloom and rage.

The duck merrily dives

And is cleansed by the water;

And the crane alters its flight,

Comes around again and disappears.

The bright sun shines

A more serene light;

Shadows vanish from clouds,

Which play, shift and darken

Woods, fields, and hillsides.

Human toil grows green again,

And the meadow reveals its flowers.

Venus' son Cupid,

Sowing the world with his arrows,

Shall set ablaze the ardour of

Animals that fly in the air,

Animals that crawl in the fields,

Animals that swim in the water.

Even that which cannot feel,

In love, will melt with pleasure.

Let us also laugh and seek

The frolics and games of springtime.

Everything is full of mirth:

Let's celebrate this happy season.
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Just look at the "spring" bit of les quatre saisons.  Maybe not be as poetic as yours but there is an immediacy and it brings a smile to my face[:D]

Edit:  verses 7 to 13 for those who don't want to read the whole thing!

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