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Good result - Hic!


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This summer saw the biggest and most prolific amounts of sloes that I have ever seen here, so we got to work in September and started "brewing". After three months of daily shaking we are now tasting the fruits of our sucess and very handsome it is. We even found half a bottle of vodka and made sloe vodka too - certainly has a kick. Did anyone else make any and how did yours turn out?
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I'd forgotten that my husband had made some. He found sloe's in Holland and bought some dutch gin and he made some whilst we were there. Took the rest of the sloe's to friends near Eindhoven, bought them some gin too, so they'll have some that should be ready.

I'll let you know what he says it is like, as I won't be tasting it, never did get away with strong liquor. And I'll ask our friends how their's is, if it hasn't already gone.
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I always thought you had to leave it in the bottle for a year before drinking, Val. I still have to decant mine from the sloes picked in the autumn and we are currently drinking the stuff made this time last year (we're very sloe drinkers - groan ).

Perhaps I am wrong about this. I must get on with the decanting and see what results. We'll have to organise a sloe gin tasting.

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