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Complete France Forum

Make Your Own (White Wine) Vinegar


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Following on from SaligoBay's earlier thread where I mentioned that I'd heard that it's possible to make your own white wine vinegar...

I put a thread on bbc.co.uk/food's forum and have been referred to a american 'wine' site which has a section all about making your own vinegar and refers to 'mre de vinaigre' (mother of vinegar obviously), which is a slimy goo at the bottom of a vinegar bottle - personally I have never seen this but on the site it says "Since I didn't know of anyone who had a crock or a barrel of vinegar which contains the slimy Mother of Vinegar I let my fingers do the walking and found a hardware store on the east side of Detroit which specialized in wine-making supplies. They also stocked the mycoderma aceti , the bacteria culture, used to make vinegar. It comes in a jar and is clear, like water. I purchased it and a crock and was on my way." Maybe there is somewhere in France or on the Web where this is available - I'll try to find out. As there seems to be a demand for White Wine Vinegar and no supply......?!

The page with all this on is

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alternatively you can drain the wine through vinegar-soaked beech shavings or similar before leaving it to turn
never tried either
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