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The thread about Weddings in French Culture reminded me of Targoule - or something.

This was something which was served at one of the weddings I attended in Normandy. I would say it was a semolina or ground rice pudding flavoured with cinnamon, possibly. It was made in huge pot bowls similar to good old fashioned mixing bowls - the sort which are white inside and yellowy beige on the outside with moulded patterns. I asked Edith if she had a recipe for it but she said you could only get them from Arab shops - yet I got the impression it was part of traditional French Wedding food - this family had no Arabs in it, so perhaps it was just something they liked.

But does anyone know anything about this?

Jill (99)
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We had lovely Tergoule from a market stall in Normandy a couple of years back. (It had obviously standing there in the 30+ deg heat for quite a while, but, wotthehell...) The stallholder told me how to make it, just a thick rice pudding really made with lots of cream and with an egg in it, and cooked slowly for hours. I got the impression it was a local dish? We also found some pre-packed in Super U in Sourdeval a couple of days later.
The nearest equivalent I have come up with is Jane Grigson's recipe for "Arroz Doce" from her "Good Things" book. Just leave out the lemon. (She says Arroz Doce is Portuguese rice pudding)

Elizabeth (Lancs)
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Rice or semolina based puddings are very popular in Arab countries, Jill. One particular favourite of mine is "um Ali", great name, even better taste. It's very similar to good old fashioned creamy rice pudding with currants added and flavoured with cardamom. I could eat it 'til the cows come home. Targoule sounds to me like a dish from Maroc, a cuisine I love but know almost nothing about.


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