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Warming Food Recipes


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Well, I don't know about round your way, but it's "persisting down" here (14), and has been for the last few days. Really miserable. I take refuge in comfort food when it's cold and wet outside...

We had Helen's Salad (see other 'Easy starter' thread) and crusty bread yesterday; I've got a pan of soup simmering for today, with (toulouse)sausage and mash for tonight. We had liver at the weekend. So what else can I do for tomorrow?

This is like the Ainsley Chef 'Bring a carrier Bag of ingredients' programme!.... In the freezer, to be used up this month, I've a couple of large chicken portions, and a pack of steak mince. Any different recipes (ie not spag bol, shepherd's pie or chilli!) for these gratefully received...

(Plus I've all the other freezer dross, of course.... a packet of crumpets, some back bacon and Lincolnshire sausage (being saved for a special occasion fried breakfast!), half a tub of icecream, some unidentifiable stuff that I froze and was sure I'd remember without labelling it, 2 Coquilles St Jacques , and some incredibly cheap ECO pizzas with lovely thin crust bases from LeClerc, which I dress up with extra cheese and lardons - and what freezer is complete without the half a dozen loose frozen peas rolling aroundn in the corner?!)

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LAST EDITED ON 13-Jan-04 AT 12:57 PM (GMT)

Glad you liked the warm salad Judy, the addition of feta sounds delicious.

I was going to suggest chicken casserole but for comfort food, you could try paella using the chicken portions and eat it in front of the telly with a glass of wine.

Just cut/break them in half. Brown them well on all sides in olive oil, add onion, some garlic, red pepper strips, mushrooms etc, a little turmeric or saffron (for colour), sliced choritzo if you have one, tin of chopped toms, 1 cup of rice and 1 pint of chicken stock and seasoning. Bake in oven 180 degrees until rice has absorbed water.

Oh, and chuck some of those peas in.

Did this at the weekend for unexpected guests as I didn't have much in. Luckily they brought their own fromage!

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When confronted with a couple of chicken portions and not much else, I often resort to the following

2 Chicken Portions
1 onion
mushrooms or courgette or both
1 chilli (optional)
Glass white wine
Teaspoon mustard
Large tub Creme Fraiche
Lots of black pepper
Salt to taste
Fresh herbs if possible

Throw everything together in a casserole dish and cook in the oven for 1hr - 1 1/2hr

Serve with Baked potatoes and round up those loose peas.

Very low maintenance once it's prepared.

Bon appetite.

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