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Complete France Forum

White wine vinegar


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I'm sure there was a thread about this a while ago, but I can't find it.

It was about why can't you find white wine vinegar (without tarragon in it) in France?

Someone has just sent me a bottle of Safeways White Wine Vinegar, which says proudly on the label "Made in France".

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LAST EDITED ON 06-Jan-04 AT 07:08 PM (GMT)

Thank you, yes, it was me who asked... all the white wine vinegar I ever bought in the UK was made in France... still think it's strange. French cider vinegar has much more character than the white wine vinegar available in the uk, what puzzles me is why they don't use white wine vinegar at all for anything unless it's tarragon flavoured.
The clear vinegar seems to be the same as the UK's clear malt vinegar or similar.
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