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Pickled walnuts - help need!


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Does anyone know how to pickle walnuts, and when they should be picked?
We are in 85 and are due to visit early April, 1st week of June, last week of July & 1st week of August.

Unfortunately we are not sure of when they should be picked to , and if our trips will coincide with the right time to pick and pickle!

Also, once picked, does anyone know how to then pickle the walnuts?

Any help will be gratefully received!

Lynda (85)
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You should be OK the first week of June. Too late at the end of July as the shells will have hardened. Stick a darning needle through the walnut to test if they are still soft enough. I think I picked mine in the middle of June. That's the easy bit.......... You have to pierce the walnuts lots of times to let the brine in. WEAR RUBBER GLOVES! I ignored this advice thinking that a quick wash in bleach would restore the colour to my hands. Three or four weeks of disgusting looking hands and fingernails followed.

The walnuts have to go into a strong brine for one week (stir them around each day). Then drain and rebrine for a further week. Drain and wash the walnuts and lay them out somewhere warm (in the sun preferably) until they all turn black. Mine took just one day but it was a warm summer! When all that's done pickle them. The choice of vinegar is up to you. I used the best wine vinegar with a touch of balsamic and some sugar - and garlic. Trying to think what else I used. Pickling spices probably. Whatever it was it seemed to work. I've given lots away and have had requests for more. I don't think I'll have to do them this year as 8 kilos go a long way!!!!

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