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Complete France Forum

Fondue Bourgigonne

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LAST EDITED ON 18-Jan-04 AT 11:34 PM (GMT)

How do you or your French friends serve this. We had it this evening for my son's birthday dinner. We eat this several times a year, but this time, I dug out the notes I took when I stayed with a French family in 1976. Apart from the obvious cubes of steak, they served chips, salad and various sauces - mayo, aioli, tomato ketchup mixed with pork. Somewhere along the way, I also picked up Tartare and Bearnaise, and also cubes of Gruyere or Emmental. Somewhere I seem to have an idea that someone also served walnuts (not easy to spear!) So what varients to you know? We've also added breaded onion rings.

Sorry, tried to edit this to put the N into the Bourgignonne, but you can't edit the title!

Jill (99)
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We make it (in Switzerland) very much as you describe, I make a lot of Sauces on a Creme Fraiche basis using my imagination. To serve Chips with it sounds nice (never done that before) we usually have baguette. A really nice adaptation of this Fondue is FONDUE CHINOISE, it is less fattening as you do it with a beef bouillion (I use my cheese fondue caquelon), you slice the Steak very thinly (best from frozen), and when you finished you can drink the bouilllion which by then is really nice and beefy. You serve the same sauces etc. Bon appetit!
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