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Smoking.... Food that is.


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The wife rather fancied having a go at smoking some salmon and other items so I bought her a packet of Benson and Hedges, got a slap and told not to be stupid but then I'm a man so what does she expect.

I did have years ago a metal box thing that I bought in Norway, used meths and you put sawdust inside then a wire tray with food on top, put the lid on and set fire to the meths under the whole thing, it worked rather well for fish, meat and bangers. So my question is does anyone else home smoke their food, what is the French name of a simular device and where can I buy one (name of shop would be handy or website address).

Many thanks

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Husband built his own around two to three years ago. We had looked on the internet but didn't find anything that we wanted at the price we were prepared to pay.

We smoke chickens, various meats, saussise cuire, and all types of fish very successfully.

A friend of ours was telling someone that he used a fumier, howls of laughter from everyone, fumoir (sp) is what you should be looking for.
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We have a device that is really a large round pan about 30/40 cms high with a rack inside and lid with an ajustable hole like a salt container.
We normally only cook chickens in it but I would think any meat or fish would do, must try it one day. I put a little oil in the bottom and just put it on a low gas. The oil heats up and guess what, it starts to smoke.
The result is very good but I just cannot think where we bought it so no help there I'm afraid!
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  • 4 weeks later...
We bought an american smoker from a firm in Uk. Uses wood or charcoal, cold or hot smoke. Does wonders with the turkey breasts, chicken and magret. They need to be marinated first but there are so many different marinades and rubs.
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LAST EDITED ON 22-Jan-04 AT 07:14 AM (GMT)


its one of those things that you know will be worth doing, but never get round to trying.

I've got the Swedish version smoker, and a sack of sawdust I bought at the same time. Both 7 years old and unopened !

I use hickory chips soaked in water on the BBQ.

In Sweden I tried an instant smoker ....... it was a perforated aluminium foil bag with sawdust inside. Just put it on top of the BBQ charcoal when hot.

We love smoked food. Someone brought us a complete hot smoked salmon from Sweden over Xmas. We ate it the next day !

I must get round to using the smoker this year !

The Languedoc Page : http://tlp.netfirms.com

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