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La Fete des Rois


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Many thanks to Alan who provided me with a delicious recipe for the Galette des Rois, which I found in the archives. As we had no kirsch, I substituted 'framboise'.
Where do people obtain the little 'feves' to put in the cakes? A few years back I asked to buy some in a boulangerie, but was refused. I had to use the time-honoured foil-wrapped traditional bean, not half as much fun as getting a little trinket. I know that whoever finds the feve becomes king for the day; we always make that person pay for the drinks, too, but what exactly do the French do? Does the youngest have to sit under the table instead of joining in? I'd like to know more about the tradition and I bet there's someone out there with all the knowledge!

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but what exactly
>do the French do?

We have been told that whoever gets the feve has to pay for the galette. We celebrated last night with our neighbours and the hostess was lucky enough to get the feve and as she had already bought the galette in the first place no payment was required. It will join the others that she has collected over the years.

Her feve was a beaver this year.

We are off again to another neighbours for more galette right now. It doesn't half do damage to ones resolve to stay slim!
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LAST EDITED ON 07-Jan-04 AT 00:50 AM (GMT)

I made a Galette des Rois for when we had family round on New Years Day (yes I know it's a bit early, but no time to do things once school started). Anyway, I didn't buy feves, partly because I'm in England and partly because I didn't want the hassle. But when I was washing the spatula later on, I realised that it was a bit shorter than I remembered it earlier!! So unless I'm mistaken, it must have ended up in the Frangipan! Not much got eaten on the day, but was taken home in doggy bags. However, no one has let me know that they received a white plastic "feve" in theirs!!!

Isn't the idea of "King for the Day" so that the person who gets it can boss everyone else around and dance with whoever "he" wants to, in days when people would have done country dances or balls?

Jill (99)
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  • 3 weeks later...
Feves update - I got some great ones off French ebay www.eBay.fr they had a very good selection and mine came from a specialist seller, (his name was 'feves' something or other)
I collect Quimper pottery and mine are like little miniatures of plates and figures, (this years series in case you are interested) They would be nice for dolls houses too I should think

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