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Cherry Jam?


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I wonder if anyone has any cherry recipies, particularly jam, that they would like to share?
Last year our lovely neighbours,picked the cherries from our garden and made jam, cherry cake and aperetif (wonderful!!). Of course, they used to give us samples of everything they made, including about 2 litres of the aperetif! But, alas they were too old to keep a large house and moved away in November.

Anyway, as we think the cherries may be ripe in the 1st week of June, when we will be visiting, we hope to make lots of cherry cake (for which I have a fab recipe, if I can find it!)and lots of jam to bring back.

However, the wonderful cherry jam that our neighbour made was quite runny in texture, and was wonderful with ice-cream, and I only know how to make plum jam which is set.

So, does anyone know how to make it runny? Apparently our cherries (gigne) are not sweet cherries and are only for cooking, if that's any help!

Best Regards
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Just make it like plum jam, it won't set...
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We have 2 large cherry trees and so have tonnes of cherries in season.

We find that cherry jam, made like plum jam, is a little too sweet, and instead use the following recipe for cheery marmalade:

3 kg stoned cherries
2 litre rasberry juice (or substitute red grape juice or mixed berry juice)
1.5 kg sugar

cook as usual, but you do need to reduce the liquid somewhat.

Tastes great with croissant.
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