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Complete France Forum

Horse Meat


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When you drive down Route de Boulogne in Calais there seem to be lots of Horse Butchers, yet I haven't found a French person yest who eats it. Although a friend in France did say that's what she was giving us on one occasion, and ever since then, we've bought horse whenever we can find it. But since then, her daughters have said that they would never eat horse in their family - so now I don't know if she was joking. You never could tell with her - I believed it as she used to nip into the garden to kill a couple of rabbits or hens for lunch the next day and we also had small eels from the nearby brook. I watched her husband killing starlings one day - for eating the next (when I fortuneately wasn't there). Perhaps she just didn't tell her kids it was horse.

I can't do with this sentimentality about meat. I can't see the difference between eating cow or horse!

My sister won't eat duck, but she'll eat chicken - doesn't make sense to me.

I think it's a pity if horse butchers go out of business - just as I think it's a pity it is so hard to get veal in England these days. Never mind, in a few weeks I'll be over there, doing my bit to keep horse butcher going!!!

Jill (99)
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