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Fat labelling


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Does anyone understand what the new fat labelling actually means?

I couldn't find my 0% m.g. fromage blanc yesterday, and got to wondering why some were 22% m.g. and some were 3% m.g.

Then another different product explained it - 22% matiere grasse en matiere seche = 3% matiere grasse sur poids totale.

I think I haven't got that quite right, but you know what I mean.

Is it just marketing? I think most people would go for the 3%, because 22% fat sounds scary. Are they in fact the same thing, because after all you eat the whole product, you don't go separating the fat out of it or anything.

I thought the labelling was meant to explain things, not leave me confused! And possibly getting fatter

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I know what you mean, it can get very confusing. The doctor told us to buy cheese upto a limit of 40% mg which isn't a great deal when you consider how high in fat the most delicious ones are,but this figure is considered to be safe in the war against cholesterol. We find that eating 0% or trs lgere products just have no taste and leave you wanting more anyway,but I do find myself each time now reading more and more all the details of the products I buy especially dairy. We do however like the Omega spread by St.Herbot who are originally St.Ivel products and this is about the best tasting one.
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