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Complete France Forum

Condensed milk

Janet B

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It has just occurred to me, can I buy condensed milk for my Millionaires Shortbread in Brittany, I never thought to look in the supermarkets for it. If not, what do you use, I cannot think of an alternative. Thank you, not moving over until May, but just completed on the house, I can't quite believe it but no cold feet so far.
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Hi Janet. I absolutely adore Condensed milk on my cereals because I cannot tolerate ordinary milk and you buy it in any supermarket usually where the powdered and evaporated milks are. It now comes in plastic squeezy tubes like toothpaste and there have always been tiny ones for the kids to suck on. Nestl is still by far the best one to buy for the taste. When I was a kid, Dad used to moan about the amount I would eat and told me I would get worms, never did,only the ocassional spot.
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