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Books on Preserving please


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I know it's not really the right time of year for preserving/jams (I would guess the autumn being the busiest time of the year) but I thought it would give me time to read up and/or grow the produce!!

What I would like is a really good, comprehensive book on the subject, for any food produce but mainly fruit & veg, something for a real beginner! Either in french (as long as it's not too complicated!) that I can get here or in english that I could get through Amazon etc.

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Rustica magazine sell a range of books, four of which are on food preparation : "Comment faire son pain/charcuteries/confitures/conserves".They are 23euro each plus 2,75 each postage. I received a copy of the first 2 as a free gift and they are very clearly explained. I think you can order them by phone on 02 32 29 19 09. Otherwise if you email me with your address I could send you an order form. Pat.
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